From coast to coast and border to border, CenturyLink Long Distance lets you call all over the U.S. and around the world with crystal-clear connection.
To make changes to or cancel your long distance plan, please contact us.
If you don't hear a dial tone on any of your landline phones and your phone service is down, first check for area outages using the Outage Tool. If there are no outages at your address, the next thing you can do is use Troubleshooter to help you identify problems with your service.
After you have hung up on a harassing caller, or after the call has stopped ringing, pick up the phone again and listen for a dial tone. Dial *57. You’ll receive a recorded message with additional instructions for tracing the call.
This calling feature keeps redialing the number every 60 seconds for up to 30 minutes. To activate it, simply hang up when you get a busy signal, then dial *66 and hang up again. When the number you are calling is no longer busy, you'll get a short-short-long ring on your phone. Simply pick up to connect the call. Read more about Continuous Redial.