SIMPLE devices for administrators

If you are a system administrator for your SIMPLE phone, you can access the Devices tab.


  • Add a MAC address to a phone

  • Troubleshoot with Line States, and see which devices are assigned, which are available, and export the list to an Excel spreadsheet.

  • Upload and download files.

To view options to upload and download files, click the arrow in the white box next to Actions:

  • Upload CSV file — Use a CSV file to upload MAC addresses for new phones that may not have been uploaded when you initiated your service.

  • Download CSV template — Use this template to list the MAC addresses of the phones for your service.

  • Download list of support devices — This lists the phones and ATAs supported by this platform; however, we only allow the Cisco 6841 for the phone and Cisco 191 for ATA for SIMPLE.

  • Download list of sites — Shows all locations associated to your organization on this platform.

  • Show upload results — Shows the status for uploads performed and what if any, devices failed the upload.

  • Instructions — Describes how to correctly upload a CSV file.
SIMPLE administrator portal screenshot showing importing devices

  1. Log in to the SIMPLE administrator portal.

  2. Click the Devices tab.

  3. Click Add Ported Device.

  4. Click the Find Site field, then select the site.

  5. Click the Devices tab.

  6. Click Add Ported Device.

  7. Click the Find Site field, then select the site.

  8. From the Device list, select the device you want to add to your device inventory.

  9. In the MAC Address field, type the 12-digit MAC address for the device being added. We recommend you type the address from the back of the phone, rather than the package for the phone. Sometimes this packaging can be incorrect.

    After the MAC address(es) has been added, return to the Device list and select it from the list. 

  10. Click Save.

To figure out why a phone isn't working, the first step you can take is to view a list of line states. This list shows which lines are connected or registered to the network.

Click on Line States from the Devices tab. A list of the phones and services built for your organization will be displayed. 

  •  Items without a MAC address are software related applications on desktops or mobile devices and will never show a "registered" state.

  • If your list of phones and services is long, use the search fields at the top to locate the phone in question or sort by clicking on column headings.

  • Click the MAC address column heading to sort by MAC address.

  • All phones assigned a MAC address should show a state of "registered." If they do not, continue troubleshooting.
SIMPLE administrator portal screenshot showing line states

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