Learn about the Broadband Internet Information Label

Like food nutrition labels, the Broadband Internet Label provides transparency and clarity around the internet services you’re planning to purchase. As of April 10, 2024, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) requires all internet providers to display their product information in this label format.

The standardized format will allow for direct comparison between providers, so you can find the best option for your needs and feel confident in your decision.


On this page, you can find a line-by-line explanation of the label, see key terms and definitions, read answers to frequently asked questions, and download a machine-readable catalog of the label.

CenturyLink Broadband Label, line by line

Key terms for the Broadband Label

You may see these terms on the Broadband Label.


HSI: High-Speed Internet

Gbps: Gigabits per second

Mbps: Megabits per second

ms: Milliseconds

Modem or Gateway/SmartNID: The equipment that connects your property to our network

Premium WiFi Pods: A mesh network that blankets your property with a strong connection

Broadband Label FAQs

Speed and performance FAQs

CenturyLink Broadband Label catalog

On the catalog page, we provide all of our label information in a machine-readable, CSV format, allowing customers and third parties to more easily collect and compare data.

See what internet speeds are available in your area

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