Product Catalog (PCAT)
Multi-Tenant Environment - Point of Interconnection (MTE-POI) - V7.0
Product Description
Multi-Tenant Environment (MTE)-Point of Interconnection (POI) is the demarcation point or network interface within a multi-tenant building used to access the Unbundled Intra-Building Cable (IBC) Sub-Loop. IBC is CenturyLink™ owned inter-building cable (in the case of an Attached Terminal that serves multiple buildings in a campus environment) or intra-building cable. Cross-connect collocation is not required for access to IBC at a MTE-POI.
The Attached Terminal is an accessible terminal in a multi-tenant building or an accessible terminal physically attached or in close proximity to a multi-tenant building. Apartment buildings and high-rise office buildings are examples of a multi-tenant building.
To create the MTE-POI, CenturyLink must create the cross-connect field at the Attached Terminal that allows you to connect your facilities to CenturyLink's facilities. Cable facilities are the only equipment that you place at the Attached Terminal
For Campus Wire and IBC, the following definitions apply:
Attached Terminal - Terminals determined by CenturyLink, to require an
Detached Terminal - All accessible terminals other than Attached Terminals. These terminals commonly reside in a cabinet (metal terminal) at one location on the 'campus' and provide termination for the cable that feeds a number of buildings on that campus.
On a case-by-case basis CenturyLink will determine, in its full discretion, whether each situation warrants MTE-POI or FCP.
Product Diagram
MTE-POI is available where facilities exist throughout CenturyLink QC and where CenturyLink owns the intra-building cable.
Campus Wire is only available in Arizona and Nebraska.
Terms and Conditions
You are responsible for working with the MTE building owner to determine where to terminate your facilities within the MTE.
If you require power and/or heat dissipation, Remote Collocation is required.
You are responsible for all work associated with bringing your facilities into and terminating the facilities in the MTE. You will seek to work with the building owner to create space for such terminations without requiring CenturyLink to rearrange its facilities.
If there is no space for you to place your building terminal or no terminal from which you can access the Sub-Loop element, and you and CenturyLink are unable to negotiate a reconfigured Single Point of Interconnection (SPOI) to serve the MTE, CenturyLink, on an Individual Case Basis (ICB), will either:
- Rearrange facilities to make room for you- for which the charge will be determined on an individual case basis and is based on the amount of time/equipment required to develop each MTE-POI (see Exhibit A of your ICA), or
- Construct a single point of access that is fully accessible and suitable - for which the charge will be determined on an individual case basis and is based on the amount of time/equipment required to develop each MTE-POI (see Exhibit A of your ICA).
If you connect the Sub-Loop element to your facilities using any temporary wiring or cut-over devices, you will need to remove them and install permanent wiring within 90 calendar days.
All wiring arrangements, temporary and permanent, must adhere to the National Electric Code.
If you are requesting IBC or Campus Wire, you must have an established MTE-POI at the Attached Terminal that serves the end-user prior to placing a service request.
At no time will you or CenturyLink rearrange either party's facilities within the MTE, or tamper with or damage the other party's facilities within the MTE. If damage accidentally occurs, the party responsible for the damage will immediately notify the other and will be financially responsible for restoring the facilities and/or service to its original condition. Any intentional damage will be reported to the proper authorities and may be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
When you access a MTE Terminal, you should adhere to generally accepted best engineering practices in accordance with industry standards. You are required to clearly label the cross-connect wires you use. Your wiring should be neatly dressed. See CenturyLink's Standard MTE Terminal Access Protocol for detailed information.
When you access IBC Sub-Loops from an MTE-POI, you must adhere to CenturyLink's Standard MTE Terminal Access Protocol unless you have negotiated a separate document for Sub-Loop access with CenturyLink.
Technical Publications
Technical characteristics, including Network Channel /Network Channel Interface (NC/NCI�) codes, are described in Technical Publication, Interconnection - Unbundled Sub-Loops and Field Interconnection, 77405.
CenturyLink's Standard MTE Terminal Access Protocol provides the appropriate access methodology or protocol for accessing CenturyLink owned or controlled MTE Terminals and IBC Sub- Loops that are attached either to the outside of a MTE or inside the MTE premises.
Rate Structure
You will be charged a flat rate non-recurring charge for CenturyLink to complete and provide you inventory of your facilities within the MTE-POI consistent with Exhibit A of your Interconnection Agreement.
If there is no space for you to place your building terminal and CenturyLink has to rearrange facilities to make room for you, or to construct a single point of access that is fully accessible and suitable, you will need to pay CenturyLink a non-recurring charge, which will be developed on an ICB.
Cancellation charges apply if you cancel a request for MTE-POI prior to CenturyLink completing the work; you are responsible for payment of all costs previously incurred by CenturyLink as well as any costs necessary to restore the property to its original condition.
If you request that a new POI be established, then you will pay CenturyLink a non-recurring charge that will be ICB, based on the scope of the work required.
If the MTE terminal is hard wired in such a manner that a network demarcation point cannot be created, CenturyLink will rearrange the terminal to create a cross-connect field and/or demarcation point. Charges for the rearrangement will be recovered through rearrangement charges identified in Exhibit A.
Wholesale rates for this product or service, including tariff references and any applicable discounts, are provided in your current Interconnection, Resale, Commercial, or other governing agreement.
Tariffs, Regulations and Policy
Tariffs, regulations and policies are located in the state specific Tariffs/Catalogs/Price Lists.
Optional Features
There are no Optional Features associated with this product.
Features | Benefits |
Interconnection at an Attached Terminal | By using MTE-POI with IBC Sub-Loop, you can provide service to end-users in the MTE without placing your own intra/inter-building cable. |
A Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (CLEC) could combine MTE-POI with the IBC Sub-Loop as follows:
The CLEC wants to access end-users at a high-rise building to provide telecom services. The CLEC has constructed facilities to the building. By using the MTE-POI in combination with the IBC Sub-Loop Unbundled Network Element (UNE), the CLEC can provide these services to residents in the high-rise building.
Product Prerequisites
You must have provisions in your Interconnection Agreement (IA) or must have negotiated an amendment to your IA prior to submitting the MTE-POI Application Form.
If you are a new CLEC and are ready to do business with CenturyLink, view Getting Started as a Facility-Based CLEC. If you are an existing CLEC wishing to amend your Interconnection Agreement or New Customer Questionnaire, additional information is located in the Interconnection Agreement.
General pre-ordering information is located in the Pre-Ordering Overview.
You will need to determine whether there is space for your equipment and facilities in the MTE building by working with the building owner or manager prior to submitting an application for MTE-POI.
Notify your Account Team / Sales Executives and Service Managers of your intention to provide access to end-users that reside within a MTE.
General ordering activities are identified in the Ordering Overview.
For access to IBC from an attached terminal:
MTE-POI Application is required. This is a 2-step process:
- Submit completed MTE-POI Application with Part 1 to
This will determine if CenturyLink owns the IBC you are attempting
to use.
- For an initial inquiry at that address, CenturyLink will return a response within 10 business days
- For a non-initial inquiry at that address, CenturyLink will return a response within 2 business days
- Submit completed MTE-POI Application with Part 2 to
This will identify that CLEC plans to interconnect at this location
and identify the number of units the CLEC plans to serve
- CenturyLink will contact CLEC to meet at the particular location within 3 business days of receipt of application
- Due to the vast disparity between locations, (some are terminated inside, some out; some are terminated in close quarters, some with plenty of room�etc.) CenturyLink and CLEC will jointly determine the means of interconnection at this location. CenturyLink will construct such interface under the rearrangement provisions of your contract or, where construction is not required, provide CLEC inventory (location of Inside Wire terminations) at this location within 5 business days of receipt of application.
- CLEC will be billed the MTE-POI Site Inventory Charge from Exhibit A of their Interconnection Agreement.
CenturyLink may seek an extended interval if the work cannot reasonably be completed within the time frames depicted above. In such cases, CenturyLink shall provide written notification to CLEC of the extended interval CenturyLink believes is necessary to complete the work. CLEC may dispute the need for, and the duration of, an extended interval, in which case CenturyLink must request a waiver from the Commission to obtain an extended interval.
The intervals provided above apply to the first five (5) MTE-POI Applications per CLEC, per week, per state. If six (6) or more MTE-POI Applications are submitted by CLEC in a one (1) week period in the state, intervals for the MTE-POI Applications in excess of the first five (5) will be individually negotiated, but in no event will the interval exceed twenty (20) business Days. CenturyLink will accept more than five (5) MTE-POI Applications from CLEC per week per state.
Only after these steps are completed (or underway) can an LSR be submitted for access to the end-user on CenturyLink facilities.
Provisioning and Installation
MTE-POI will be provisioned in one of the following ways:
- CenturyLink will notify you and the MTE building owner by e-mail within ten calendar days as to whether CenturyLink or the MTE owner owns the intra-building cable. In the event that you provide CenturyLink with a written claim by an authorized representative of the MTE owner that CenturyLink owns the facilities on the customer side of the terminal, the preceding ten-day period shall be reduced to five calendar days from CenturyLink's receipt of the claim. *
- If you determine that you want to interconnect at that location
to serve end-users:
- If CenturyLink owns the facilities on the end-user side of the terminal, and if there is space for you to enter the building and terminate your facilities without CenturyLink having to rearrange its facilities, you will need to use that space.
- If CenturyLink owns the facilities on the end-user side of the
terminal, but there is no space for you to terminate your
facilities at the accessible terminal, the following work
actions will happen:
a. CenturyLink will prepare a Quote based on a flat fee for the work required to rearrange its MTE Terminal to make room for you.
b. If you accept the Quote, CenturyLink will complete the rearrangement and inventory within 45 days of your acceptance.
c. You will be required to pay the ICB rate based on time and material charges to complete the rearrangement work at the MTE.
- If CenturyLink owns the facilities on the end-user side of the
terminal, upon receipt of Part 2 of the MTE-POI Application,
CenturyLink will conduct a joint meet with the CLEC and will jointly
determine the means of interconnection at this location -
CenturyLink will construct such interface and provide CLEC inventory
(location of Inside Wire terminations) at this location
* In the event that there has been a previous determination of on-premises wiring ownership at the same MTE, CenturyLink shall provide such notification within two business days.
- If you and CenturyLink are unable to negotiate a reconfigured POI
to serve you, CenturyLink will either
- Rearrange its terminal to make room for you or
- Construct a POI that is fully accessible and suitable for
You will be required to pay the ICB rate based on time and material charges to complete the rearrangement or construction of the POI to complete work at the MTE.
- If the MTE owner owns the cable facilities on the end-user side
of the terminal, CenturyLink will notify you in writing that you need
to negotiate access to all facilities in the building with the
building owner.
You are responsible for all work associated with bringing your facilities into and terminating them at the MTE-POI.
CenturyLink may seek an extended interval to complete an inventory of your terminations or to rearrange its MTE Terminal to make space if the work cannot reasonably be completed within the standard interval. In such cases, CenturyLink will provide you with written notification of the extended interval believed necessary to complete the work. You may dispute the need for the extended interval. In that case, CenturyLink must request a waiver from the Commission for the relevant state to obtain the extended interval.
You will need to populate the Local Service Request (LSR) for access to each individual unit in the MTE CenturyLink shall be entitled to charge for IBC as of the time that you submitted the LSR. See the Sub-Loop web site for IBC ordering information.
You may cancel a request for MTE-POI prior to CenturyLink completing the work by submitting a written notification via email to your CenturyLink Sales Executive. You will be responsible for payment of all costs incurred by CenturyLink for work that was completed before your cancellation request was received and for any costs necessary to restore the property to its original condition.
Provisioning information and design requirements are available in Technical Publication, Interconnection - Unbundled Sub-Loops and Field Interconnection, 77405.
See the Service Interval Guide (SIG) for the standard intervals for MTE-POI.
Maintenance and Repair
Additional information is available in the Maintenance and Repair Overview.
CenturyLink will maintain all of its facilities and equipment in the Attached Terminal and you will maintain all of your facilities and equipment in the MTE Terminal.
You may access the MTE Terminal as a test access point for IBC Sub-Loop.
The Billing and Receivable Tracking (BART) System will bill the non-recurring charges associated with establishing the MTE-POI.
Local CenturyLink 101 "Doing Business With CenturyLink"
- This introductory web-based training course is designed to teach the Local CLEC and Local Reseller how to do business with CenturyLink. It will provide a general overview of products and services, CenturyLink billing and support systems, processes for submitting service requests, reports, and web resource access information. Click here for Course detail and registration information.
View additional CenturyLink courses in the Course Catalog.
CenturyLink contact information is located in Wholesale Customer Contacts.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. What is the purpose of the APOT Form?
The APOT form is your termination inventory as it is contained in
CenturyLink provisioning and repair systems. You need to provide the termination/circuit
identifying information when you place an order or open a repair
ticket for IBC ordered from the MTE-POI.
Last Update: April 2, 2015
NC/NCI™ is a Trademark of Telcordia Technologies, Inc.