Wholesale: Products & Services

Private Line Transport (PLT) Voice Grade (VG)- V6.0

History Log

Product Description

Private Line Transport (PLT) Voice Grade (VG) circuits have a bandwidth of 300-3000 hertz (Hz) that is designed to meet certain specifications based on CenturyLink™ standards of measurement for voice transmission, data transmission, remote metering, telephoto, and miscellaneous signaling purposes. Such identification is not intended to limit a customer's use of the circuit or imply that the circuit is limited to a particular use. These circuits are not suitable for transmission of direct current pulses. The number of stations that may be connected and the distance over which transmission is possible may be limited by operating and transmission factors. Circuits are furnished as either two-wire or four-wire on a two-point or multipoint basis.


Private Line Transport (PLT) Voice Grade (VG) is available where facilities exist throughout CenturyLink .

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions section does not apply to Private Line Transport (PLT) Voice Grade (VG)

Technical Publications

Technical characteristics, including Network Channel/Network Channel Interface (NC/NCI™) codes, are described in the Technical Publication, Private Line Voice Grade Analog Channels For Access Service, 77310.


Rate Structure

Recurring charges are comprised of the following rate elements:


  • Channel Termination
    2-Wire or 4-Wire
  • Channel Performance
  • Mileage (Fixed and Per mile)
    Transport Channel Mileage bands
  • Central Office Connecting Channel (COCC)


  • Network Access Channel (NAC)
    2-Wire or 4-Wire
  • Channel Performance - Signaling
  • Transport Mileage (Fixed and Per mile)

Nonrecurring charges are comprised of the following rate elements:


  • Channel Termination


  • Service Provisioning
  • Mileage (Fixed)
  • Channel Performance


Rates are available in Exhibit A, interstate FCC 1 or the specific rate sheet in your contract.

Tariffs, Regulations and Policy

Tariffs, regulations and policies are located in the interstate CenturyLink Operating Companies Tariff F.C.C. No. 11 or the state specific Tariffs/Catalogs/Price Lists.

Optional Features

Optional features include:

  • Bridging
  • CO Multiplexing
  • Conditioning
  • Customer Specified Level
  • Improved Echo Control
  • Improved Transmission
  • Data Capability
  • Signaling Capability
  • Effective 4-Wire Transmission with 2-Wire Interface
  • Data Channel Term
  • CO Multiplexing to Multiplexer Connecting Arrangement
  • Improves Termination
  • VG6 and VG7 Customer Request Loop Back


Features Benefits
Availability 24 hours per day, 7 days a week
Ubiquitous Voice Grade is available in CenturyLink QC in AZ, CO, IA, ID, MN, MT, ND, NE, NM, OR, SD, UT, WA, WY.


See Features and Benefits section


Product Prerequisites

If you are an Interexchange Carrier (IXC), Internet & Data (ISP) or Wireless Service Provider (WSP) and have questions regarding your contract with CenturyLink, contact your Account Team / Sales Executives and Service Managers for more information.


Pre-Ordering section does not apply to Private Line Transport (PLT) Voice Grade (VG).


Private Line Transport (PLT) Voice Grade (VG) service requests are submitted using the following Access Service Ordering Guidelines (ASOG) forms:

  • Access Service Request (ASR)
  • Administrative (ADM)
  • ASR Transport (SPE)
  • ASR Transport (SECLOC)
  • Service Address Location Form (SAL)
  • Multipoint Service Leg (MSL)

Field entry requirements are described in the Access Service Request (ASR) Forms.

Provisioning and Installation

Firm Order Confirmation (FOC) intervals are found in the Service Interval Guide (SIG) for Access Services.

Maintenance and Repair

Maintenance and repair problems are reported to the CenturyLink Customer Service Center 1-800-954-1211. If your end-users experience problems with their local circuits or services, provisioned with CenturyLink provided products and services, their first point of contact is you, their local service provider. You or your end-user must isolate the trouble and verify it is not the customer-owned equipment or cable before you call CenturyLink.


Ensemble is the new billing system for customers. For questions about the bill, please follow the instructions on the reverse side of each billing statement.

The Ensemble bill is described in Billing Information – Ensemble.

Carrier Access Billing System (CABS) billing is described in Billing Information - Carrier Access Billing System (CABS).


Local CenturyLink 101 "Doing Business With CenturyLink"

  • This introductory web-based training course is designed to teach the Local CLEC and Local Reseller how to do business with CenturyLink. It will provide a general overview of products and services, CenturyLink billing and support systems, processes for submitting service requests, reports, and web resource access information. Click here to learn more about this Training.

Analog Private Line

  • This self-directed, web-based product training course provides you with knowledge of the CenturyLink Analog Private Line (APL) product. You will learn how APL works and the options available. Click here to learn more about this Training.

View additional CenturyLink courses in the Training Catalog.


CenturyLink contact information is located in Wholesale Customer Contacts.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

This section is being compiled based on your feedback

Last Update: January 30, 2017

Last Reviewed: March 21, 2024

NC/NCI™ is a Trademark of iconectiv ®.
COMMAND A LINK™ is a Trademark for CenturyLink™