Product Catalog (PCAT)
InterNetwork Calling Name - V7.0
Product Description
InterNetwork Calling Name (ICNAM) Service enables you to offer "Caller Identification (ID) with Calling Name Service" to your end-users. With ICNAM, end-users with ICNAM capable Customer Premise Equipment (CPE) and the Caller ID feature can receive the calling party's name and telephone number to be displayed on their CPE. ICNAM allows you to query the CenturyLinkâ„¢ Line Identification DataBase (LIDB) and obtain the listed name information for the telephone number being called. LIDB is the database where CenturyLink, and other providers contracting the use of CenturyLink's LIDB Data Storage Service, store their end-user's name and telephone line numbers.
If the calling name is not available and the end-user has not requested privacy, CenturyLink will deliver city and state information.
ICNAM Service is a component of CenturyLink's Common Channel Signaling (CCS)/Signaling System 7 (SS7) network. Access to CenturyLink's LIDB/ICNAM is provided through CenturyLink's Common Channel Signaling Access Capability (CCSAC) via a CCS Link. You may obtain your connection to CenturyLink's CCSAC either directly through your own SS7 network, or you may contract with a third party, or Hub Provider, to interconnect with the CenturyLink SS7 network. More information about CenturyLink's CCSAC/SS7 network can be found in the CCSAC/SS7 web page.
If you also subscribe to LIDB Storage Service, CenturyLink stores your end-user's name information in LIDB and delivers it to any Caller ID subscriber.
Subscribers to CenturyLink's ICNAM Service have access to all end-user's calling name information stored in the CenturyLink LIDB/ICNAM database, with the exception of information for end-users who have instructed CenturyLink or their local service provider to block that information. End-users can instruct their local service provider to place a privacy indicator on the calling name information stored in the LIDB/ICNAM database. Per Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulations, CenturyLink will deliver this customer's caller name information to you and it is your responsibility to program your End Office switch to not deliver this caller name information to your end-user.
Product Diagram
CLEC Signaling Network Interconnection
Line Information DataBase (LIDB/ICNAM)
ICNAM Service is available throughout CenturyLink QC where CCSAC/SS7 is available.
Technical Publications
All ICNAM queries and responses are transmitted over a CCS network using a SS7 protocol. The SS7 protocol can be found in TR-NWT-000246, Telcordia's Communications Research Specification of SS7. The application data needed for processing ICNAM data are formatted as Transaction Capabilities Application Part (TCAP) messages. TCAP messages may be carried as an application level protocol using SS7 protocols for basic message transport.
The SCP node provides all protocol and interface support. Your SS7 connections will be required to meet Telcordia's GR905, TR954 and CenturyLink's Technical Publication 77342 specifications.
You shall send queries conforming to the American National Standards Institute's (ANSI) approved standards for SS7 protocol and per the following specification standard documents:
- Telcordia-SS7 Specification, TR-NPL-000246;
- Telcordia-CLASS Calling Name Delivery Generic Requirements, TR-NWT-001188; and
- Telcordia-CCS Network Interface Specifications, TR-TSV-000905.
ANSI-SS7 Specifications
- Message transfer Part T1.111;
- Signaling Connection Control Part T1.112; and
- Transaction Capabilities Application Part T1.114.
The Telcordia Information SuperStore web site allows you to search for Telcordia documents. There may be charges associated with acquiring Telcordia documentation.
The ANSI On Line web site allows you to search for an ANSI Standards documents. There may be charges associated with acquiring ANSI documentation.
Rate Structure
ICNAM Service is charged on a per query basis. The ICNAM system automatically tallies the number of queries made by each Originating Point Code (OPC). It provides the Carrier Access Billing System (CABS) billing system with a quantity to be billed.
CenturyLink will bill you the ICNAM rates on a monthly basis for the previous month.
No recurring or non-recurring charges apply to ICNAM Service.
Prices for ICNAM Service are available in your ICNAM Services Agreement.
Regulations and Policies
There are no Optional Features associated with this product.
Features | Benefits |
Delivery of Caller Name information to your end-user. | Your end-user is provided with the ability to know who is calling. |
CenturyLink loads and updates your Calling Name information from an existing database. | Requires no set-up work. |
The CenturyLink Calling Name database is updated daily. | Ensures accurate information. |
CABS Billing | Easy to read monthly billing summaries. |
Dedicated CenturyLink ICNAM Product and Service Specialists back ICNAM Service. | Quality Customer Service. |
Contact your CenturyLink Sales Executive for information.
Product Prerequisites
If you are a new Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (CLEC) and are ready to enter the Interconnection business with CenturyLink, view the Getting Started for Facility-Based CLECs web page.
ICNAM Service is negotiated and made available through your ICNAM Services Agreement
You must have CCSAC capability prior to, or in conjunction with, ICNAM Services. See the CCSAC/SS7 web page for information on ordering SS7 and Switching/Signal Transfer Points (STP) links and ports.
If you contract with a Hub Provider for CCSAC service, the Hub Provider is required to furnish a Letter of Authorization (LOA) to CenturyLink to ensure CenturyLink has your approval to provide services.
If the records for a telephone number which you have ported are stored in CenturyLink's LIDB/ICNAM database, you are responsible for updating the Number Portability Administration Center (NPAC) subscription record with the LIDB or Caller Name DataBase Destination Point Code. For more information about ported numbers, see the Local Number Portability (LNP) web page.
General pre ordering information is located in the Pre Ordering Overview.
Contact your CenturyLink Sales Executive to begin the order process.
Ordering for ICNAM Service will be handled on an Individual Case Basis (ICB) using Service Activation Meeting(s) (SAMs) between you and CenturyLink. During the SAM(s), you will need to provide the following information:
- All information necessary for activating and billing ICNAM Service.
- Information necessary for an Access Service Request (ASR) to be submitted by your CenturyLink Sales Executive on your behalf. The ASR is strictly for billing purposes.
- The ICNAM database is accessed via the CCSAC/SS7 network. Translations necessary to access the ICNAM database are communicated via the "Link Data Sheet". For additional information refer to the CCSAC/SS7 web site.
The Due Date interval will be established on an ICB during the SAM(s).
Provisioning information and design requirements are available in Technical Publication 77342.
CenturyLink will exercise reasonable efforts to provide accurate and complete ICNAM information in CenturyLink's LIDB/ICNAM database. The ICNAM information is provided on an As-Is Basis from the LIDB/ICNAM data record. CenturyLink does not warrant or guarantee the correctness or the completeness of such information. CenturyLink will access the same LIDB/ICNAM database for your queries as CenturyLink accesses for its own queries. CenturyLink will not assume liability for system outages or inaccessibility or for losses arising from your authorized use of the ICNAM data.
As an additional service enhancement, CenturyLink will return city and state information when a calling party's name is not available in CenturyLink's serving area.
You will need to arrange your Calling Party Number based services in such a manner that when a calling party requests privacy, you will not reveal that caller's name or number to the called party (your end-user). You will comply with all FCC guidelines and, if applicable, the appropriate Commission rules, with regard to honoring the privacy indicator.
CenturyLink retains full and complete ownership and control over the LIDB/ICNAM database and all information in its database. You agree not to copy, store, maintain or create any table or database of any kind from any response received after initiating an ICNAM query to CenturyLink's database.
Network Impacts
SS7 network overload due to extraordinary volumes of queries and/or other SS7 network messages can have a detrimental effect on the performance of CenturyLink's SS7 network. CenturyLink, in its sole discretion, will employ certain automatic and/or manual overload controls in the CenturyLink SS7 network to safeguard against any detrimental effects. CenturyLink will report to you any instances where overload controls are invoked due to your SS7 network, and you agree in those cases to take immediate corrective actions as necessary to cure the conditions causing the overload situation.
CenturyLink may need to temporarily discontinue the ICNAM Service if your TCAP errors are so excessive as determined by CenturyLink to jeopardize the viability of the ICNAM Service.
Maintenance and Repair
Additional information is available in the Maintenance and Repair Overview.
If you are experiencing problems with LIDB/ICNAM query service, report trouble to the Global and Business Repair Center by calling 888-678-8080.
For Maintenance and Repair regarding the accurateness of the data stored in the LIDB/ICNAM database, refer to the LIDB/ICNAM update process in the LIDB web page.
ICNAM Service is billed on a per query basis out of CABS.
Local CenturyLink 101 "Doing Business With CenturyLink"
- This introductory web-based training course is designed to teach the Local CLEC and Local Reseller how to do business with CenturyLink. It will provide a general overview of products and services, CenturyLink billing and support systems, processes for submitting service requests, reports, and web resource access information. Click here for Course detail and registration information.
View additional CenturyLink courses in the Course Catalog.
General contact information is identified in the CLEC & Reseller Center Contacts web page.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. Why is the city and state sometimes displayed instead
of the calling name?
A calling party's name may be unavailable for the following reasons:
- The record is not yet in the LIDB/ICNAM database because the number is a new connect.
- There has been trouble on the network.
- There is no service agreement between CenturyLink and the service provider of the calling party.
When the calling party's name is unavailable, CenturyLink has elected to respond with the city and state instead of a message like "unavailable" or "out of area".
2. Does the LIDB/ICNAM database provide the telephone number
information that is displayed?
No, the originating End Office of the calling party provides the
calling number. The calling number is then used to query the LIDB/ICNAM
database for the calling party's name information.
3. What is the difference between ICNAM and Calling Name
ICNAM is an acronym for InterNetwork Calling Name Service and CNAM
is the acronym for Calling Name. Both refer to the same service.
ICNAM is the term used by CenturyLink.
Last Update: January 30, 2017
CLASS is a Service Mark of Telcordia Inc.