Manage Control Center users

Whether creating a new user or editing settings for an existing user, the first two steps are the same:

  1. Log in to Control Center. (Forgot username/password)

  2. Click Admin, then click Users.

    Control Center lists the users for your organization. System administrators can be identified by the icon of a blue person and gear.

Create a new user and set permissions

  1. Click Create New User

  2. Complete the profile information for the new user.

    Control Center checks the information as you enter it. Each user must have a unique user name.

  3. When you've completed the profile, click Save & Continue.

    After you create the user, Control Center sends two emails (to the address you provided): one with the username and login instructions and one with a temporary password. The emails also include your organization's Control Center system administrators for reference.

  4. Set permissions: Use the toggles and sliders to set permissions for a whole section. Within a section, you can also set individual permissions. To view more information about a permission, hover over the question mark on the far right of that line.
    Designate a user as a system administrator: Set the Customer System Admin (CSA) toggle to "on."  System administrators have access to all permissions.

  5. When you're done adding permissions, click Continue to Accounts:

    Assign an account to a user: 
    Move the toggle for the account under My Available Accounts to "on."

    Assign all accounts to a user: 
    Move the toggle for the My Available Accounts section to "off." This moves all unassigned accounts to the My Available Accounts section.

  6. When you're done adding accounts, click Save & Continue.

Create a system administrator

You can create additional system administrators. System administrators have access to all your organization's Control Center functionality. They can access all accounts, create new users, change user permissions, and change accounts assigned to users.


There is no limit to the number of system administrators your organization can have. Some organizations make everyone a system administrator; others limit access based on a user's job function. For example, people who work with billing might only have access to billing tasks and not be able to submit repair tickets.

There are two ways to create a system administrator:

  1. Create a new user as a system administrator 

  2. Make an existing user a system administrator 

Change settings and permissions for existing users


After following steps one and two to access users

  1. Find the user whose settings or permissions you need to change by using the search function or scrolling through the list of users.

  2. Click View/Edit Profile.

  3. Click Update Permissions.
screenshot from Control Center - User Profile
screenshot from Control Center - User Permissions
  1. In the Enter Your Password field, type your Control Center password, then click "Go."

    Control Center displays the permissions for the user.

  2. Set permissions: Use the toggles and sliders to set permissions for a whole section. Within a section, you can also set individual permissions. To view more information about a permission, hover over the question mark on the far right of that line.
    Designate a user as a system administrator: Set the Customer System Admin (CSA) toggle to "on."  System administrators have access to all permissions.

  3. When you're done adding permissions, click Continue to Accounts:

    Assign an account to a user: Move the toggle for the account under My Available Accounts to "on."

    Assign all accounts to a user: Move the toggle for the My Available Accounts section to "off." This moves all unassigned accounts to the My Available Accounts section.

  4. When you're done editing permissions, click Return to Profile.

    Control Center saves your changes.

Change a user's assigned accounts


After following steps one and two to access users

  1. Find the user whose settings or permissions you need to change by using the search function or scrolling through the list of users.

  2. Click View/Edit Profile.

  3. Click Update Accounts.

  4. In the Enter Your Password field, type your Control Center password, then click "Go."

    Control Center displays the current accounts assigned to the user (followed by accounts available to be assigned to the user).

  5. Scroll down to the My Available Accounts section.

  6. Use the toggles to assign accounts to the user:

    • Assign an account - click the toggle for the account to "on."

    • Assign all accounts - click the toggle for the My Available Accounts section to "off." This moves all unassigned accounts to the My Assigned Accounts section.

  7. When you're done assigning accounts, click Return to Profile.

    Control Center saves your changes.

Update a user's profile


After following steps one and two to access users

  1. Find the user whose settings or permissions you need to change by using the search function or scrolling through the list of users.

  2. Click View/Edit Profile.

  3. Click Edit User Details.

  4. In the Enter Your Password field, type your Control Center password, then click "Go."

  5. Make changes to the profile. When you're done, click Save & Return to Profile.

Reset a user's password


After following steps one and two to access users

  1. Find the user whose settings or permissions you need to change by using the search function or scrolling through the list of users.

  2. Click Reset Password.

  3. In the Enter Your Password field, type your Control Center password, then click "Go." 

    Control Center emails a new temporary password to the user. When the user logs in using the temporary password, Control Center prompts the user to create a new password.

Deactivate or reactivate a Control Center user

After six months of inactivity, Control Center automatically deactivates a user's account. After an additional six months of inactivity, Control Center deletes the user account. As a Control Center system administrator, you can reactivate users so they're able to log in again. You can also manually deactivate users if they no longer need Control Center access.


If it's been a while since the user last logged in, they may not remember their password. They can either retrieve their own password or you can reset their password for them.


After following steps one and two to access users

  1. Find the user whose settings or permissions you need to change by using the search function or scrolling through the list of users.

  2. Click View/Edit Profile.

  3. In the Enter Your Password field, type your Control Center password, then click "Go." 

    Control Center displays the user's profile information. The Status field indicates whether the user is active (able to log in) or inactive (unable to log in).

  4. To deactivate the user, click Inactive, or treactivate the user, click Active.

  5. Click Return to Profile.

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