Why is my location wrong?

Have you been to a website or used an app that can detect what city and state you are in?  This is called geolocation and it's powered by third-party databases.

Not all geolocation services are the same. These services use different algorithms that look at factors such as:

  • Public IP address

  • Geolocation databases (provided by third parties)

  • Cell tower IDs

  • GPS information

  • A list of WiFi access points

  • Signal strength

  • MAC IDs (WiFi and/or Bluetooth)


The location information is usually a close approximation, but isn't 100% accurate all the time. Using a VPN can often provide a wrong location.

What can you do?

If your location is displaying incorrectly, the quickest way to correct it is to change your location on the individual website or app that you're using. For instance, if you're on a store's website, they usually provide an option to change stores or change location.

Request a location correction

You can submit a request to have a geolocation provider make an update. Here are some tips to get you started.


Ask your content provider which geolocation provider they use and how to contact them.


Contact the geolocation provider or submit a correction request. Here are some examples:

Wait for the geolocation provider to approve your request. Once your request is approved, it typically takes a month or more to see the correction. This varies by provider.

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