Tariff-related information

Tariffs: Documents filed with a state public utilities commission (for intrastate services) or the Federal Communications Commission (for interstate and international services) that contain the rates, service descriptions, and terms and conditions for the specific telecommunications services listed.


Guidebooks, Service Guides, Price Lists, Schedules and Catalogs: Documents that contain the rates, service descriptions, and terms and conditions for the specific telecommunications services listed, which are not offered pursuant to a filed tariff.


Service Agreements: Customer agreements that contain the general terms and conditions that apply to services not offered pursuant to a filed tariff.


Pending Changes: View pending changes (PDF)


d/b/a CenturyLink Schedules/Guides (PDFs):


CenturyLink Serving Wire Center Designations (2017 FCC BDS Order):


Open Network Architecture (ONA) products and services offered by Qwest d/b/a CenturyLink:
ONA User Guide Addendum (PDF)


California Teleconnect Fund:
California Teleconnect Fund (PDF)

Locating the Name of your CenturyLink Local Exchange Carrier

The "Information About Your Account" section of your monthly billing statement lists your CenturyLink independent local exchange carrier ("ILEC") providing service at your address(es) if the service provider is a CenturyLink ILEC other than Qwest Corporation. If you have multiple CenturyLink service providers or to locate the name of the CenturyLink local exchange carrier providing service at a Service Address in your contract, look for the NPA-NXX in the first column of the table contained in the following document. The NPA-NXX is a number consisting of an Area Code plus the first three digits of the telephone number.


Local CenturyLink NPA-NXX Listings (PDF)