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Module 2: Product Description

Query Services

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Local Number Portability
          Database Query Services
When are the Database Query Services used?

Service Providers may interconnect with CenturyLink's Signaling System 7 (SS7) network at the Local Signaling Transfer Point (LSTP) to launch their own queries to CenturyLink's LNP Database if the following conditions exist:

  • The service provider chooses to fulfill its own querying responsibility, rather than assigning it to another carrier or third party.
  • The service provider is SS7-capable.
  • The service provider does not choose to invest in purchasing its own LNP Database.
Whatever carrier passes CenturyLink the query will be billed for each query response returned by the CenturyLink SCP.

The LNP Database Query Service does not include the Service Order Administration (SOA) function to the NPAC.

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