Request Status Definitions

ASR Status



Version 1 of a request; not yet submitted.

New - Revised

The request was submitted, rejected, and is now being revised.


Version 2 (or more) of a request that has not been rejected.

Supplement - Revised

The request was supplemented and submitted, rejected, and is now being revised.


The request was submitted, but CenturyLink has not yet sent you an acknowledgement or confirmation.


CenturyLink has rejected the request because of errors.

In Process

CenturyLink has accepted the request, assigned an ASR number and it is currently being processed.

Sup Req

CenturyLink has discovered errors on the ASR that require a supplement be issued before processing of the request can continue. A C/NR form has been generated with details of the error.


The request was submitted, and CenturyLink has provided confirmation through a CN form.


CenturyLink has accepted the user's request to cancel an ASR, or has generated a C/NR cancellation notice form to cancel the ASR due to non-receipt of a supplement requested via a previously issued C/NR Form.


CenturyLink has completed the request and generated a C/NR completion notice.


C/NR Status



A C/NR form has been generated because CenturyLink has discovered errors on the ASR during processing that require a supplement to be issued before processing can continue.


CenturyLink has generated a C/NR form indicating conditions exist on the ASR that impact the critical dates.


CenturyLink has generated a C/NR form because errors exist on the ASR that require a supplement and the critical dates are impacted.


CenturyLink has generated an Information Only C/NR form to provide additional information regarding the request.


CenturyLink has generated a C/NR indicating all error conditions noted in a previously issued C/NR form have been satisfied and the ASR is in process.


CenturyLink has generated a C/NR form to indicate the request has been completed.


CenturyLink has generated a C/NR form indicating the request has been cancelled by CenturyLink due to non-receipt of a supplement requested via a previous C/NR form.


Note: You can print any request, including confirmation notices for requests with a Confirmed status as well as clarification/notification request forms when present (see Printing Requests).