Product Catalog (PCAT)
Universal Service Order Codes (USOCs) & Field Identifiers (FIDs) Overview - V7.0
Universal Service Order Codes (USOCs) also referred to as Uniform Service Order Codes and Field Identifiers (FIDs) define various network components, interfaces, products and/or services. USOCs and FIDs will allow you to request products/services from CenturyLink™ in the most efficient manner and are used to clearly identify each billable service, to automate billing and for provisioning.
FIDs are also used to identify important attributes of service beyond those described by the USOCs.
USOCs and FIDs are standard coded data elements, developed and owned by Telcordia Technologies, Inc.™ using COMMON LANGUAGE® Service Information.Universal Service Order Codes (USOCs)
A USOC can be three or five alphanumeric characters. For example:
69J | Call Forwarding Busy Line - All Calls Unrestricted |
69B1X | Call Forwarding Busy Line - In-Only Restricted |
USOCs may also be referred to as Line Level USOC and/or Account Level USOCs. These are described as follows:
- Line Level USOCs - USOCs associated with a particular line or circuit. They may represent a line or circuit to which facilities are assigned or they may represent a feature associated with the line, for example:
- U5R - Unbundled Network Element - Platform (UNE-P) Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS) Line
- 1FB - Business POTS line, Retail or Resale
- 1FR - Residence POTS line, Retail or Resale
- ESM - Call Forwarding Variable
- MBB - Voice Messaging Mailbox
- NSD - Caller ID
- Account Level USOCs aka Non Line Level USOCs- USOCs associated with an account, for example:
- UHR - UNE-P POTS Class of Service
- PGOCC - Custom Choice Package
- HYE - Centrex Plus common block
USOC Characteristics
All alphanumeric characters may be used with the following exceptions:
- The numerical number zero (0) is not used
- The alpha letter "I" is not used
Field Identifiers (FIDs)
FIDs further describe specific attributes conveying the parameters necessary to provision the product or service and consists of at least two and a maximum of four alphanumeric characters. Formatting FIDs follow USOCs and will also follow other FIDs as needed. Examples of USOC and FID combinations are as follows:
- 69J/TN NPA-NNN-NNNN (Call Forwarding Busy Line-All Calls Unrestricted on Telephone Number (TN), including the NPA)
- 69J/TN NPA-NNN-NNNN/CFNB NPA-NNN-NNNN (Call Forwarding Busy Line-All Calls Unrestricted on Telephone Number (TN), including the NPA and Call Forwarding Number Busy Line (CFNB) including the telephone number to forward to)
The first two FID characters are always alphabetic, the last two may be alphabetic or numeric. Alphabetic characters cannot appear after a numeric character. Following is an example:
Valid FID Formats | Invalid FID Formats |
CenturyLink USOC/FID Finder
CenturyLink uses USOCs and FIDs to process your service requests. Use the USOC/FID Finder as your source to identify USOC and FID details for all CenturyLink products and services. With the USOC/FID Finder you can perform the following:
- FID Search to review CenturyLink FID information.
- USOC Search for CenturyLink USOC information.
- Product Family List to display category listings of all CenturyLink Product Families and associated product offerings.
If the data or format of your USOC and/or FID is improper (e.g., exceeds maximum characters, unnatural breaks or spaces, alpha characters that should be numeric, or numeric characters that should be alpha) your service request can be delayed.
The USOC/FID Finder contains USOCs/FIDs approved by Telcordia Technologies and used by CenturyLink.
Refer to individual Wholesale Products and Services for specific USOCs and FIDs.
USOCs and FIDs exist throughout CenturyLink QC.
For additional information, contact your CenturyLink Service Manager.
Last Update: November 3, 2023
Last Reviewed: November 3, 2023
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