Wholesale: Products & Services

Product Catalog (PCAT)

Commercial Wholesale Local Voice (WLV) - Business and Residential - V1.0

History Log

Product Description

Wholesale Local Voice (WLV) products provide local exchange telecommunications services to end-users on behalf of Competitive Local Exchange Carriers (CLECs). General information about WLV can be found in the Wholesale Local Voice (WLV) – General Information PCAT.

WLV Business and WLV Residential products are finished services requiring neither CLEC collocation nor other CLEC network involvement, and are combinations of the following network elements

  • A 2-Wire Analog (Voice Grade) Unbundled Local Loop as shown in the Wholesale Local Voice (WLV) – General Information PCAT.
  • An Analog Line Side Port, including Local Switch Usage and any optional switch features (Local Switching Network Element), and
  • Shared Transport


WLV products are available where facilities exist throughout CenturyLink .

Terms and Conditions

Design and special circuit arrangements, e.g. Foreign Exchange (FX), Market Expansion Line (MEL), High Voltage Protection, etc. are not available with WLV Business and WLV Residential products. WLV Residential may be ordered for and provisioned only to residential end-users. The definition of residential service shall be the same as in CenturyLink's retail tariffs as applied to CenturyLink's End-user Customers. Tariffs, regulations and policies are located in the state specific Tariffs/Catalogs/Price Lists.

Technical Publications

Technical characteristics are contained in the applicable Tariff and may have references to certain Technical Publications.


Rate Structure

Monthly Recurring Charges (MRCs) for WLV are the sum of the monthly recurring rates of the service offerings ordered by the CLEC from their WLV Commercial Rates Sheets, Interconnection Rate Sheets, and appropriate tariffs.

WLV POTS lines identified as serving residential end-user customers will receive, on a monthly basis, the 'Residential end-user credit' provided in the WLV Rate Sheet. Lines not specifically identified as serving residential end-user customers (by the presence of the LAWUR USOC) will not receive the credit.

Non-recurring Charges (NRCs) for WLV Installation, Disconnection (in some states), Conversion, and Feature activity are provided in the WLV Commercial Rate Sheets, Interconnection Rate Sheets, and appropriate tariffs.

WLV Residential and WLV Business products include either one residential or one business directory listing (dependent on end user application and the product requested) for each main telephone number, at no charge. Premium and privacy listings are also available with WLV services. Regardless of residential or business directory appearance, all premium and privacy listings (with the exception of residential additional listings, i.e., USOC RLT) are categorized as business for rating purposes. Information describing directory listing availability and ordering is described in White Pages Directory Listings.


Depending on WLV Services ordered MRCs and NRCs are available in the:

  • Rate Sheet of your Commercial Agreement.
  • Rate Sheet or Exhibit A of your applicable ICA.
  • Applicable Tariff for features and services.

Nebraska WLV circuits only:

Effective September 19, 2011, you must place either the USOC XCBO2 (2-wire) or XCBO4 (4-wire) on your WLV LSR if your End-User is in an "Out of Town" location. Additional information on determining this classification is in Geographic Deaveraging - General Information.

Tariffs, Regulations and Policies

Tariffs, regulations and policies are located in the state specific Tariffs/Catalogs/Price List.

Data services on WLV Business and WLV Residential lines, e.g. broadband service, must be disconnected when the voice service is disconnected.


Product Prerequisites

If you are a new CLEC and are ready to do business with CenturyLink, view Getting Started as a Facility-Based CLEC, Interconnection Agreement, and Commercial Agreements.


General pre-ordering activities are described in the Pre-Ordering Overview.

Requirements for pre-ordering are described in Local Service Ordering Guidelines (LSOG) Pre-Order.


General ordering activities are described in the Ordering Overview.

It is important to review and understand the ordering procedures described in the Wholesale Local Voice (WLV) – General Information PCAT.

WLV products may be ordered via new installation or converted from existing CenturyLink resale or other equivalent residential or business services. It is also possible to convert existing Centrex services to WLV Business or WLV Residential service (depending on end-user application). When you convert existing Centrex Plus or Centron® service(s) to WLV Business or WLV Residential, the appropriate WLV Conversion NRC will apply. When you convert existing Centrex 21 service to WLV Business, the WLV Business Conversion NRC will apply.

WLV requests should be placed using the EASE-LSR Extensible Markup Language (XML) or EASE-LSR Graphical User Interface (GUI).

WLV Business and WLV Residential service requests are submitted using the following Local Service Order Guidelines (LSOG) forms:

  • Local Service Request (LSR)
  • End User (EU)
  • Resale Service (RS)
  • Directory Listings (DL), if applicable

Field entry requirements are described in the LSOG.

When converting an existing account with CenturyLink broadband to WLV, follow the order requirements in CenturyLink Commercial Broadband Service.

Requests for multiple conversions to WLV may be made on the same LSR, provided the request is based on the same CenturyLink CSR, for the same end-user, at the same location, and for the same due date.

WLV products will be assigned a business listing unless you specify that a residential listing is necessary. Accordingly, when you submit an LSR for installation of or conversion to WLV Residential service, you must populate the Type of Service (TOS) field on the LSR form to indicate a residential account, ex., 2AM or 2BM, for listings appearance purposes.

The following USOCs identify WLV Business and WLV Residential lines:

  • UHR is the class of service
  • U5R is the main line
  • U5RAX is the additional line, per additional line

WLV Residential lines will be identified by the presence of the USOC LAWUR in the Service & Equipment (S&E) section of the CSR. Any WLV line without the presence of LAWUR will be classified as Business. Whether submitting an LSR for new WLV Residential installation or conversion to WLV Residential from some other existing service, you must include LAWUR in the FEATURE field of the Port Service form on the LSR to receive the WLV "Residential end-user credit'.

To identify WLV Residential on new installation LSRs and on conversion (from existing retail or resale service) LSRs, include LAWUR in the FEATURE field of the Port Service form as indicated in the table below:

LSR Form FieldValid Entry
ACTV, Z or N
TOSValue of 1st Character in TOS must be 2
PS Form FieldValid Entry
DL Form Field (if Required)Valid Entry

Provisioning and Installation

General provisioning and installation activities are described in the Provisioning and Installation Overview.

Some products or features require the addition of a Line Class Code (LCC) to provision the service in the CenturyLink switch. When a LCC is required, the CLEC is not responsible for providing it on the LSR; CenturyLink adds it to the service order.

In some cases, several products associated with a single line may each require a LCC. Only one LCC may be used on a line. Therefore, in these situations, CenturyLink will assign a single LCC that provides the function for multiple products.

CenturyLink enters the LCC on the service order following each line USOC to be equipped with the product or feature, as in the following example:

  • U5R/PIC xxxx/LCC TMM
  • RTY

For information on the LCCs used in provisioning WLV service, refer to the LCC Job Aid document. The LCC Job Aid is provided as an informational tool and should not be used by the CLEC when submitting an LSR.


Ensemble is the new billing system for customers. For questions about the bill, please follow the instructions on the reverse side of each billing statement.

The Ensemble bill is described in Billing Information – Ensemble.


View CenturyLink courses in the Training Catalog


CenturyLink contact information is located in Wholesale Customer Contacts.

Last Update: November 30, 2023

Last Reviewed: February 29, 2024