Wholesale: Products & Services

Interexchange Access (IXC) and Wireless Service Providers (WSP) Customer Not Ready (CNR) V7.0


For all service requests there is a maximum time allowed for you to delay acceptance of service. The maximum delay for a "Customer Not Ready" (CNR) condition for services ordered is 30 calendar days from the original due date. On the 31st calendar day if you have not accepted or cancelled your service request, CenturyLink™ will automatically cancel it and bill you appropriate cancellation charges.


If a customer or a customer’s end-user does not accept service within 30 calendar days after the original service due date, the customer has two possible options per CenturyLink Operating Companies Tariff F.C.C. No. 11 and related State Tariffs.  Options include:

  • Cancel the request and pay cancellation charges if they apply
  • Commence billing for service (applies to new service only)

Customer Not Ready (CNR)

For services ordered via an ASR form, the originator is advised of the CNR condition via the ASOG Clarification/Notification Request (C/NR) form advising you that action is required during the 30 calendar days that you have to respond. If you wish to accept the service on a new due date within 60 calendar days of the original due date, you must issue a supplement requesting service on the new due date. Note: there is a minimum due date of 3 business days from the date you submit the supplement to CenturyLink. Also, a minimum Standard Interval from the date the supplement is received may apply to supplements that affect design. If you wish to cancel the service request within the 30-calendar day timeframe, issue a supplement to cancel the service request. Appropriate cancellation charges will apply. If you have not accepted the service by the 31st calendar day, your order(s) will be canceled and appropriate cancellation charges will apply.

For Disconnects ordered via an ASR form, the originator is advised of the CNR condition via the ASOG Clarification/Notification Request form to provide information regarding the action required during the 10 business days you have to respond. If you wish to disconnect service on a new due date within 30 calendar days of the original due date, you must issue a supplement requesting the new due date within 10 business days of the original due date. If you wish to cancel the disconnect service request, you must issue a supplement within 10 business days of the original due date. If you have not issued a supplement within 10 business days of the original due date, your service request will be canceled on the 11th business day after your original due date. If you still wish to disconnect service after your previous service request has been canceled, you must submit another ASR form.

For ASR and LSR Jeopardy type C01 (Customer or Customer end-user is not ready or service order is not accepted by the Customer), if you have not accepted the service or issued a supplement or cancellation of the request by the 31st calendar day, CenturyLink will turn up the circuit and begin billing.

CNR Managed Projects

Defined as "any request for service from a single IXC resulting in the issuance of multiple service requests that must be worked simultaneously for the request to be completed" with each request having a valid assigned Project ID (PRN) and a Project Manager/Coordinator monitoring the project.

When a service request is part of a project and you are not ready to accept the service 30 calendar days after the original Due Date, the same process (described above) is followed. The Project Manager will be notified at the same time the Cancellation Notice is sent.


CenturyLink contact information is located in Wholesale Customer Contacts.

Frequently Asked Questions

This section is currently being compiled based on your feedback.

Last Update: December 2, 2016