Wholesale: Products & Services

Archived System CR SCR120314-2 Detail

Title: Implement CABS to provide a single application to bill Wholesale customers for their Access Service Requests (ASR)
CR Number Current Status
Level of
Release No.

SCR120314-2 Completed
-   15/ Billing 911, SS7, Collocation,UDIT, LIS, Resale - Frame Relay, ATM, and MOE
Originator: Strombotne, Tracy
Originator Company Name: CenturyLink
Owner: Strombotne, Tracy
CR PM: Lorence, Susan
Description Of Change
CenturyLink is introducing CABS as a replacement for IABS. This will provide CenturyLink and customers alike a single application and a single invoice format for all ASR services billing.

CABS is a proven, flexible, table driven system which provides electronic bills and CSRs to be generated in industry standard C/BOS format for billing (BDT ) and customer service records (CSR), as well as providing paper invoice outputs.

CABS will provide an online tool that can store 18 months of bill, CSR, and remittance page history. Online bill viewing will be available. This functionality will allow viewing and printing of PDF formatted Invoice, CSR and Remittance pages.

CABS will provide State level billing instead of current LATA level billing. As part of the implementation of CABS, CenturyLink will consolidate multiple existing LATA level accounts into a single State level account.

Existing services being billed in IABS will be converted and all bills from that point forward will be generated from CABS. New billing account numbers will be assigned and communicated to customers.

Expected Deliverables/Proposed Implementation Date: Implementation is expected early 2nd half of 2016

Status History

Date Action Description
12/3/2014 CR Submitted CR Submitted. 
12/4/2014 CR Acknowledged CR Acknowledged. 
12/17/2014 Status Changed Status changed to Presented. 
12/17/2014 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the December Systems CMP Meeting - See Attachment C in the Distribution Package. 
1/6/2015 Communicator Issued See notification number GENL.ANNC.01.06.15.F.13011.ASR_SystemConsolidation. 
1/21/2015 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the January Systems CMP Meeting - See Attachment I in the Distribution Package. 
1/29/2015 Communicator Issued See Notification number CMPR.MEET.01.29.15.F.13156.AdHocMtgASR_CnsolidatnCRs. 
2/1/2015 Status Changed Status changed to Development. 
2/5/2015 General Meeting Held Ad hoc meeting to review ASR Consolidation Plans. 
2/18/2015 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed in the February ProdProc CMP Meeting - See Attachment F in the Distribution Package. 
2/25/2015 Communicator Issued See notice number PROS.BILL.02.25.15.F.13246.BillCycleChgs_ASRCnsoldtn. 
3/27/2015 Communicator Issued See notice number PROS.BILL.03.27.15.F.13339.FNL_Bill_Cycle_Chg_Remind. 
4/15/2015 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the April Systems CMP Meeting - See Attachment I in the Distribution Package. 
4/29/2015 Communicator Issued The Initial Release Notification was sent that provides the Preliminary Interface Implementation Plan. See notice number SYST.OTHR.04.29.15.F.13448.PrelimPlanASR_SysConsldtn. 
5/13/2015 General Meeting Held CenturyLink conducts Preliminary Interface Implementation Plan Review Meeting. 
5/20/2015 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the May Systems CMP Meeting - See Attachment I in the Distribution Package. 
5/26/2015 Communicator Issued See notice number CMPR.CMPP.05.26.15.F.13536.RFP_ThrdPrtyFcilitatorOSS. 
6/5/2015 Communicator Issued See notice number PROS.BILL.06.05.15.F.13599.BillCycleChgs_ASRCnsoldtn. 
6/17/2015 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the June Systems CMP Meeting - See Attachment I in the Distribution Package. 
6/18/2015 Communicator Issued See notification number PROS.BILL.06.18.15.F.13610.BillMediaASR_Cnsolidation. 
6/19/2015 Communicator Issued See notification number SYST.OTHR.06.19.15.F.13645.CommentRespASR_SysCnsldtn. 
7/1/2015 Communicator Issued See notification number CMPR.CMPP.07.01.15.F.13690.RFP_ThrdPrtyFcilitatr_FNL. 
7/10/2015 Communicator Issued See notice number CMPR.CMPP.07.10.15.F.13715.ASR_Project_CustmrTesting. 
7/14/2015 Communicator Issued See notice number PROS.BILL.07.14.15.F.13741.FNL_BillMediaASR_Cnsldtn. 
7/15/2015 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed in the July Systems CMP Meeting - See Attachment I in the Distribution Package. 
8/19/2015 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed in the August System CMP Meeting - See Attachment I in the Distribution Package. 
9/16/2015 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed in the September System CMP Meeting - See Attachment I in the Distribution Package. 
10/9/2015 Communicator Issued See notice number WEBS.ANNC.10.09.15.F.14000.New_OSS_Consolidation_Pgs. 
10/21/2015 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed in the October System CMP Meeting - See Attachment I in the Distribution Package. 
10/23/2015 Communicator Issued See notice number WEBS.ANNC.10.23.15.F.14017.Final_New_OSS_Cnsldtn_Pgs. 
11/2/2015 Communicator Issued See Notice number SYST.OTHR.11.02.15.F.14063.AccessCnsldtnDrftTestPlan. 
11/2/2015 Communicator Issued See notification number SYST.CBOS.11.02.15.F.14052.CABS_Rel1.0Specs. 
11/4/2015 Communicator Issued See notification number SYST.CBOS.11.04.15.F.14066.CABS_Rel1.0SpecsUPDATE. 
11/10/2015 General Meeting Held Joint Test Planning Session conducted with customer community. 
11/12/2015 Record Update Draft Technical specification walkthrough conducted. 
11/18/2015 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed in the November Systems CMP Meeting - See Attachment I in the Distribution Package. 
11/23/2015 Communicator Issued See notice number SYST.CBOS.11.23.15.F.14115.CABS_Rel1.0FinalSpecs. 
11/23/2015 Communicator Issued See notice number SYST.OTHR.11.23.15.F.14114.AccessCnsldtnFNLTestPlan. 
11/24/2015 Communicator Issued See notice number SYST.CBOS.11.24.15.F.14117.CABS_Rel1.0FNLSpecsUPDT - update to Response to comments on CABS Technical Specifications. 
12/16/2015 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed in the December Systems CMP Meeting - See Attachment I in the Distribution Package. 
12/18/2015 Communicator Issued See notification SYST.EASE.12.18.15.F.14158.AccessCnsldtnProjectDELAY to relay the CORA to EASE and IABS to CABS Consolidation project has been delayed. 
1/15/2016 Communicator Issued See notification number SYST.EASE.01.15.16.F.14183.AccessCnsldtn_NewEff_Date that establishes new Project Release to Production date of August 1, 2016. Remaining Milestones dates were revised accordingly. 
1/20/2016 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed in the January Systems CMP Meeting - See Attachment H in the Distribution Package. 
2/17/2016 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed in the February CMP Meeting - See Attachment F in the Product Process Distribution Package and Attachment I in the System Distribution Package. 
2/26/2016 Communicator Issued See notification number SYST.CBOS.02.26.16.F.14347.AccessBill_DifferencesUPD. 
2/26/2016 Communicator Issued Level 2 Product Process Notification associated with Project documentation updates. See Notification number PROS.MISC.02.26.16.F.14246.ASR_Consldtn_Updates. 
3/16/2016 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed in the March Systems CMP Meeting - See Attachment I in the Distribution Package. 
4/20/2016 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed in the April Systems CMP Meeting - See Attachment I in the Distribution Package. 
4/25/2016 Communicator Issued See notification number SYST.CBOS.04.25.16.F.14517.AccessBill_DifferencesUPD. 
4/25/2016 Communicator Issued See notification number SYST.CBOS.04.25.16.F.14517.AccessBill_DifferencesUPD. 
5/2/2016 Communicator Issued See notification number GENL.ANNC.05.02.16.F.14550.AccessSystemCnsldtnRMDR. 
5/18/2016 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed in the May Systems CMP Meeting - See Attachment I in the Distribution Package. 
5/25/2016 Communicator Issued See notification number GENL.ANNC.05.25.16.F.14605.AccessSystemCnsldtnVOTE. 
6/8/2016 Communicator Issued See notification number SYST.OTHR.06.08.16.F.14645.AccCnsldtnDwntmOrdrRstrct. 
6/8/2016 Communicator Issued See notification number SYST.CBOS.06.08.16.F.14646.AccessBillDifferencesUPDT 
6/10/2016 Communicator Issued See notification number PROS.MISC.06.10.16.F.14658.ASR_Consldtn_Updates. 
6/15/2016 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed in the June Systems CMP Meeting - See Attachment I in the Distribution Package. 
6/24/2016 Communicator Issued See notification number SYST.EASE.06.24.16.F.14712.AccssCnsldtnREV_EFF_DATE. Production effective date changed to October 3, 2016. 
7/15/2016 Communicator Issued See notification number GENL.ANNC.07.15.16.F.14789.AccssCnsldtnProjPlan_Ver4. 
7/20/2016 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed in the July System CMP Meeting - See Attachment I in the Distribution Package. 
8/3/2016 Communicator Issued See notification number GENL.ANNC.08.03.16.F.14830.AccessCnsldtnGO_VoteRecd. 
8/12/2016 Communicator Issued See notification number SYST.OTHR.08.12.16.F.14866.AccCnsldtnDwntmOrdrRstrct. 
8/17/2016 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed in the August System CMP Meeting - See Attachment I in the Distribution Package. 
8/25/2016 Communicator Issued See notification number SYST.CBOS.08.25.16.F.14897.AccessBill_DifferencesUPD. 
9/2/2016 Communicator Issued See notification number SYST.OTHR.09.02.16.F.14919.OSSDwntm_OrdrRstrConvSupp. 
9/9/2016 Communicator Issued See notification number SYST.OTHR.09.09.16.F.14934.AccssCnsldtnPROJ_DELAY. 
9/21/2016 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed in the September System CMP Meeting - See Attachment I in the Distribution Package. 
9/29/2016 Communicator Issued See notification number SYST.OTHR.09.29.16.F.14988.AccssCnsldtnPROJ_UPDATE. 
10/19/2016 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed in the October Systems CMP Meeting - See Attachment I in the Distribution Package. 
10/28/2016 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting See notification number SYST.OTHR.10.28.16.F.15052.AccessCnsldtnREV_EFF_Date. New Project Release date of January 30, 2017 communicated. 
11/16/2016 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed in the November Systems CMP Meeting - See Attachment I in the Distribution Package. 
12/1/2016 Communicator Issued See notification number SYST.OTHR.12.01.16.F.15131.OSSDwntm_OrdrRstrConvSupp. 
12/7/2016 Communicator Issued See notification number GENL.ANNC.12.07.16.F.15160.AdHoc_BillDiff_IABStoCABS. Ad hoc meeting scheduled to follow December monthly CMP meeting to review Bill and CSR Differences. 
12/14/2016 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed in the December Systems CMP Meeting - See Attachment I in the Distribution Package. 
1/4/2017 Communicator Issued See notification number SYST.OTHR.01.04.17.F.15224.OSSDwntm_OrdrRstr_RMDR. 
1/9/2017 Communicator Issued See notification number WEBS.ANNC.01.09.17.F.14939.CustQuestnnr_Sect_B.5_Upd. 
1/13/2017 Communicator Issued See notification number SYST.CBOS.01.13.17.F.15246.AccessBill_DifferencesUPD. 
1/16/2017 Communicator Issued See notification number SYST.BILL.01.16.17.F.15247.IABStoCABS_USOC_Mapping. 
1/18/2017 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed in the January Systems CMP Meeting - See Attachment K in the Distribution Package. 
1/23/2017 Communicator Issued See notification number SYST.OTHR.01.23.17.F.15286.AccConsol_FINAL_REMINDER. 
1/30/2017 Communicator Issued See notification number WEBS.ANNC.01.30.17.F.15254.ASR_Consldtn_Updates. 
1/30/2017 Communicator Issued See notification number GENL.ANNC.01.30.17.F.15299.AccessConsolidtionSuccess. 
1/30/2017 Status Changed Status changed to CLEC Test. 
2/15/2017 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed in the February Systems CMP Meeting - See Attachment G in the Distribution Package. 
3/15/2017 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed in the March Systems CMP Meeting - See Attachment G in the Distribution Package. 
4/19/2017 Status Changed Status changed to COMPLETED. 
4/19/2017 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed in the April Systems CMP Meeting - See Attachment G in the Distribution Package. 

Project Meetings

4/19/17 System CMP Meeting SCR120314-1 Implement EASE to provide a centralized platform for ASR processing SCR120314-2 Implement CABS to provide a single application to bill Wholesale customers for their Access Service Requests (ASR) SCR120314-3 Retire the CORA GUI and UOM/XML application for processing ASRs SCR120314-4 Retire IABS for Wholesale billing

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said these four CRs have been in CLEC Test since January 30, 2017 and that customers have now been through two months of CABS billing. Mark said we would like to move these CRs to a Completed Status and asked if there were any objections.

Kim Isaacs – Electric Lightwave said happily no objections. Kim said all of the planning proved to make the consolidation a good experience.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said we appreciated all of the effort from everyone on these CRs.

3/15/17 System CMP Meeting SCR120314-1 Implement EASE to provide a centralized platform for ASR processing SCR120314-2 Implement CABS to provide a single application to bill Wholesale customers for their Access Service Requests (ASR) SCR120314-3 Retire the CORA GUI and UOM/XML application for processing ASRs SCR120314-4 Retire IABS for Wholesale billing Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said these four CRs have been in CLEC Test since January 30, 2017. Mark said he assumed that the CLEC community would prefer to leave the CRs in CLEC Test for another month.

Kim Isaacs – Electric Lightwave responded yes.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink relayed that CenturyLink is considering sending a customer satisfaction survey associated with the Access Services Consolidation Project. Mark said that if we move forward with it, the survey would be distributed in March. He said we are open to positive feedback and suggested areas of improvement. Once we get the survey finalized and approved, it would cover areas such as Communications, Testing, Training, Documentation, etc. We are considering sending the survey as a General notification with a two week turn around. Mark said we would likely summarize the results and post them to the Consolidation web site.

Kim Isaacs – Electric Lightwave asked who would be receiving the survey and whether it would be CMP.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said it would not be a CMP notice; it would be sent to customers that have signed up for a General notification.

NOTE: 03-22-17 UPDATE After further review, Centurylink has determined that a formal survey will not be sent. Centurylink continues to provide various channels for customer feedback.

2/15/17 System CMP Meeting SCR120314-1 Implement EASE to provide a centralized platform for ASR processing SCR120314-2 Implement CABS to provide a single application to bill Wholesale customers for their Access Service Requests (ASR) SCR120314-3 Retire the CORA GUI and UOM/XML application for processing ASRs SCR120314-4 Retire IABS for Wholesale billing Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said the Access Consolidation Project was implemented in production on January 30, 2017. The planned documentation updates associated with the Consolidation have been merged into the Production site including updating the CORA system page to be specific to EASE. In regard to the Consolidation Hotline that had been put in place for post conversion, Mark said there was no need to staff it past February 10, 2017. CORA is now in “read only” for historical viewing of orders for 24 months and IABS will remain available for 13 months for bill history. Mark then provided some statistics associated with the conversion: CORA ASRs converted to EASE at an initial success rate of 99.8% with the remaining .02% now also converted. Over 10,000 FOCs and C/NR’s were issued with customer coordination to avoid excessive impacts. Due to Operational Readiness, the Center was able to clear the initial conversion fallout and began business as usual processing in EASE the day after conversion. Mark said the Center focus is to continue to clear subsequent tasks associated with conversion orders and process new requests to ensure that appropriate notifications are sent as timely as possible.

Armando Fimbres – Oregon PUC asked if CLECs and CenturyLink are satisfied with the conversion.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said overall the conversion went well and that the team is working through the February bill cycles to insure all is working as planned there also.

Kim Isaacs – Electric Lightwave said she is “cautiously optimistic” at this point but that Electric Lightwave is interested in seeing how well things work for orders input in EASE and then billed in CABS. Kim said they are waiting to see what the Cycle 8 billing looks like which was somewhat delayed.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said Cycle 8 bills should be received by customers today with a number of bill cycles to still complete by the end of February. Mark asked if there were any more questions. There were none. He said these CRs are in CLEC Test and will likely remain there for a month or two.

1/18/17 System CMP Meeting SCR120314-1 Implement EASE to provide a centralized platform for ASR processing SCR120314-2 Implement CABS to provide a single application to bill Wholesale customers for their Access Service Requests (ASR) SCR120314-3 Retire the CORA GUI and UOM/XML application for processing ASRs SCR120314-4 Retire IABS for Wholesale billing Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said the Access Consolidation Project Release will be here soon; the Production date is January 30, 2017. Mark then reviewed the list of activities and REMINDER notifications included in the CMP package under Attach K that are leading up to the January 26, 2017 date when conversion activities are to begin. The high level review included the posting of the EASE Release 1.0 Revised Technical specifications of the EASE Custom Business Rules and the update to the IABS to CABS Bill and CSR Differences List.

Kim Isaacs – Electric Lightwave said she has a concern in regard to the IABS to CABS Differences list, on the last page of the PPT doc that was recently posted. The entry indicates the “MOU billing will dramatically increase”. The scenario is where a L-C CLEC End office is subtending a L-Q owned tandem. Kim asked what CenturyLink intends to bill and whether L-Q is now going to be billing on behalf of L-C CLEC? Kim said this is late for this information to be disclosed.

Mark Coyne - CenturyLink said our SMEs are developing a response that we hope to send later today.

Kim Isaacs – Electric Lightwave said if L-Q is going to bill L-C access charges for them, Electric Lightwave will dispute that billing. Electric Lightwave will need to be able to recognize these MOU; these MOUs cannot be blended with other traffic.

Susan Lorence – CenturyLink in order to provide the response to all customers, CenturyLink will likely update the Differences List with any clarification on this concern and will then send another notice.

Kim Isaacs – Electric Lightwave said she expressed concern when CenturyLink identified they were subtending the EOs off of the tandem. Kim expected to see the billing and then did not see the billing which they were happy about. Kim said she is concerned that L-Q is attempting to bill the L-C CLEC charges thru the ILEC.

Mark Coyne - CenturyLink said we would try to also include the response in the meeting minutes.

NOTE: On January 24, 2017, CenturyLink distributed notification SYST.CBOS.01.24.17.F.15289.AccessBillDifferencesUPD available on the Customer Notification Letter Archive (CNLA) at url http://wholesale.centurylinkapps.com/cnla that provided the following update to the IABS to CABS Differences list on page 24 of the document.:

L-Qwest owned tandem, subtended by L-Q non owned End Office We have identified some instances where MOU billing will increase. This is IXC billing, not CLEC, so bill and keep would not apply. The rate elements that may be billed include transport and local switching. The MOU for transport and local switching will only be applied on long distance calls originated by an IXC which terminate to CenturyLink CLEC end users who are served by a CenturyLink CLEC end office that is behind a CenturyLink Qwest ILEC tandem.

CenturyLink CLEC (7575 company code) does own the EO, so additional rate elements will be billed. CenturyLink will work a project in the future to move this billing to the CLEC company (5278) but until then it will bill in the ILEC company. End offices impacted: ALBQNMMAXKY CLSPCOMAXFY GDISNENWUMD PHNXAZUI8MD BLNGMTWE8MD DLTHMNMEXFX HLNAMTMAUMD PTLDORWAXDX BOISIDMAXPX DVNPIAEAGMD HLRNCOFP1MD TCSNAZMAXYX BSMRNDBCX1X EUGNOR53XCX OMAHNENWXJX TKWLWALL4MD

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink continued the review of the activities leading up to Access conversion under Attachment K including: the EASE VFO web based training is available, there is OSS downtime planned and includes impacts to ordering restrictions, the Post Conversion Customer Support Process is posted, the IABS to CABS USOC Mapping document became available January 16, 2017, and the revisions to PCATs and Business Procedures will be integrated into published documents effective on January 30, 2017. Mark said the final IABS to CABS BAN Conversion lists were distributed January 13, 2017. Mark said there will be a final reminder of the downtime and ordering restrictions that will be sent on January 23, 2017. Mark asked if there were any questions. There were none.

12/14/16 System CMP Meeting SCR120314-1 Implement EASE to provide a centralized platform for ASR processing SCR120314-2 Implement CABS to provide a single application to bill Wholesale customers for their Access Service Requests (ASR) SCR120314-3 Retire the CORA GUI and UOM/XML application for processing ASRs SCR120314-4 Retire IABS for Wholesale billing Mark Coyne – CenturyLink provided the reminder that the Project Release to Production date is planned for January 30, 2017. He then reviewed several notifications that were distributed early December as included in the System package. The first System notice SYST.OTHR.12.01.16.F.15131.OSSDwntmOrdrRstrConvSupp addresses planned system downtime, Ordering restrictions and inflight order handling, updated Consolidation Plan, Post Conversion support, and OSS hours of Availability for EASE and CABS. The General notice GENL.ANNC.12.07.16.F.15160.AdHocBillDiffIABStoCABS is associated with a meeting to occur immediately following the monthly meeting; the SME team will review a document of the IABS to CABS billing and CSR differences. The last notice TRNG.ANNC.12.08.16.F.15163.EASEASRVFOTrngAvailble is associated with an additional instructor led training session scheduled for January 11, 2017and provides signup instructions. A reminder notice for the OSS downtime and the other important topics will be sent in early January. Mark said the final IABS to CABS BAN Conversion list will be distributed no later than January 15, 2017. Mark asked if there were any questions. There were none.

11/16/16 System CMP Meeting Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said a notification was sent on October 28, 2016 (included in the package) that relayed the Access System Consolidation Project Release to Production date will be January 30, 2017. Mark said several notifications are planned for early December including the scheduled Operating Support System (OSS) downtime associated with conversion weekend, the updated Ordering Restriction time periods, the updated Post Conversion Support plan, and information about the additional session for EASE Release 1.0 Training that has been rescheduled for January 11, 2017.

Kim Isaacs - Electric Lightwave asked when the final IABS to CABS BAN Conversion list will be distributed. Kim said she thought it was planned for about one week before the Release effective date.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said he thought that was true but will check on that date. Mark relayed that immediately following the December monthly CMP call to be held on December 14, 2016, the CenturyLink SME team is planning to review the Access Consolidation Project IABS to CABS Bill Differences. Mark asked if there were any questions. There were none.

NOTE: Per the Access Consolidation Billing SME Team, the final IABS to CABS BAN Conversion list will be distributed no later than January 15, 2017.

10/19/16 System CMP Meeting SCR120314-1 Implement EASE to provide a centralized platform for ASR processing SCR120314-2 Implement CABS to provide a single application to bill Wholesale customers for their Access Service Requests (ASR) SCR120314-3 Retire the CORA GUI and UOM/XML application for processing ASRs SCR120314-4 Retire IABS for Wholesale billing Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said a notification was sent on September 29, 2016 that relayed the Access System Consolidation Project Release to Production date will NOT be October 31, 2016 and that the Revised Release to Production date would be provided by October 28, 2016.

Kim Isaacs - Electric Lightwave said with the upcoming holidays in 2016 and associated resource impacts, was CenturyLink looking at 2017 for implementation. She said she preferred CenturyLink consider 2017 at this point.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said the Project team is considering the upcoming holidays and resources for both customers and CenturyLink as they meet to make the decision on the date. Mark said Kim’s comment about the date was noted.

9/21/16 System CMP Meeting SCR120314-1 Implement EASE to provide a centralized platform for ASR processing SCR120314-2 Implement CABS to provide a single application to bill Wholesale customers for their Access Service Requests (ASR) SCR120314-3 Retire the CORA GUI and UOM/XML application for processing ASRs SCR120314-4 Retire IABS for Wholesale billing Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said a notification (included in the system distribution package) was distributed September 9, 2016 relaying there is a Project delay. The revised Release to Production date will be provided by September 30, 2016 via a system notification to customers. Mark said the revised date could be as early as October 31, 2016.

Armando Fimbres – Oregon PUC asked about the date of October 31, 2016 as the system release date.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said that is the date that the Access Consolidation Release will become effective. The release installation would occur starting the prior Thursday or Friday. Mark asked if there were any other questions. There were none.

8/17/16 System CMP Meeting SCR120314-1 Implement EASE to provide a centralized platform for ASR processing SCR120314-2 Implement CABS to provide a single application to bill Wholesale customers for their Access Service Requests (ASR) SCR120314-3 Retire the CORA GUI and UOM/XML application for processing ASRs SCR120314-4 Retire IABS for Wholesale billing Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said a “Go Vote” had been received from the Testing CLECs and the notice is included in the package. Also, a notice had been sent on August 12, 2016 that provides the updated System downtime schedule and Ordering Restriction information for the Conversion weekend and that notice is also included in the package. Mark relayed that Instructor Led Training is planned for September 7 and 14 and a Training notice would be sent shortly for customers to sign up. A notice would also be sent soon to relay the Post Conversion Support Plan. Mark asked if there were any questions. There were none.

7/20/16 System CMP Meeting SCR120314-1 Implement EASE to provide a centralized platform for ASR processing SCR120314-2 Implement CABS to provide a single application to bill Wholesale customers for their Access Service Requests (ASR) SCR120314-3 Retire the CORA GUI and UOM/XML application for processing ASRs SCR120314-4 Retire IABS for Wholesale billing Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said CenturyLink had sent a notification to relay the change in the Project Release to Production date that is now scheduled for October 3, 2016. He said a notice also went out on July 15, 2016 to provide Version 4 of Access Systems Consolidation Plan and that, included on that notice, was a list of several functional and system related changes that would NOT have a separate notice sent to relay the change in the Production Effective date. Mark said in regard to Customer Testing, Windstream and XO are 100% complete in their testing. He said Integra, AT&T and Neustar are still testing. Of all of the test cases that were originally planned, some have been removed; of the remaining test cases, the percentage “Passed” is approximately 97% with three active defects currently. Mark said there is an agreed upon plan on how to get those three defects closed. Mark said on July 18, 2016, the Go/No Go notice was sent to the Points of Contact for three specific CLEC testing companies. The notice requests that a single vote per company be returned by July 25, 2016 and then CenturyLink will compile the results of the vote and provide customer notification. Finally, Mark said that CenturyLink will be providing some further information in early August about the system downtime schedule for the conversion weekend, the revised Order Restriction information and the revised Customer Training Timeline. Mark asked if there were any questions. There were none.

6/15/16 Monthly Systems CMP Meeting SCR120314-1 Implement EASE to provide a centralized platform for ASR processing SCR120314-2 Implement CABS to provide a single application to bill Wholesale customers for their Access Service Requests (ASR) SCR120314-3 Retire the CORA GUI and UOM/XML application for processing ASRs SCR120314-4 Retire IABS for Wholesale billing Letty Walker – CenturyLink presented a proposal to eliminate a redundant Technical Specification document. Letty reviewed the document included in the CMP package which indicates that CenturyLink is proposing to continue providing the Summary of Change document and the CenturyLink EASE ASR Custom Business Rules but would like to discontinue providing the EASE ASR Tech Spec since this document is a combination of the Summary of Changes and the CenturyLink EASE ASR Custom Business Rules document. With the Excel document, customers can sort or filter data depending on what they like or what they are looking for. Letty said another change being considered for ASR is to move to a Word document vs. a Powerpoint document. The SME team is looking to synch up documentation between Legacy Qwest release documentation and Legacy CenturyLink documentation to make it easier for customers.

Susan Lorence – CenturyLink asked if Letty could provide an example that could be included in the meeting minutes.

Letty Walker – CenturyLink said she could. NOTE: 06-22-16 UPDATE An example notification of what Legacy CenturyLink distributes for their ASOG releases will be included as an attachment to the meeting minutes. The example notice will also be posted to the CMP calendar for June 2016 as a reference.

Susan Lorence – CenturyLink asked if there were any concerns with the original proposal that Letty presented to eliminate the redundant ASR technical specification document. There were no concerns expressed so CenturyLink relayed they will be moving forward with the proposal.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink then provided the Status of Customer Testing which began March 21, 2016. Three companies are actively testing: Windstream, Integra, ATT IXC. Neustar is supposed to start June 20, 2016. He said there are 9 active defects, including 4 related to Billing testing. A total of 1394 test cases were planned; so far 667 have passed and 333 were removed which makes the percent passed 72%. Mark said Wicresoft, the Third Party Facilitator, has been engaged to work with CenturyLink and the testing companies to complete testing by July 18, 2016 or earlier. The testing process seems to be working smoothly.

Kim Isaacs – Integra said 2 of the 9 active defects may not be tested until after the conversion, one is for reporting functions (6-24-16 Updates received from Integra in CAPS) WHICH WILL NOT BE RESOLVED UNTIL 1ST QUARTER 2017 and the other [RELATED TO HAVING THE PON ON THE STATUS CHANGE EMAIL NOTIFICATION] HAS A PENDING RESOLUTION IN MID-JULY SO there may not be time TO TEST THE RESOLUTION. There is a third defect related to the business rules that will be available at the end of the month.

Armando Fimbres – Oregon PUC asked whether that was acceptable that some defects will not be addressed.

Kim Isaacs – Integra said there is at least one defect where the EASE reporting functions are not equivalent to the CORA. Kim said CenturyLink has presented a solution in the interim that makes it acceptable to proceed without it. Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said the next item is associated with a General notification that had been sent - notification number GENL.ANNC.05.25.16.F.14605.AccessSystemCnsldtnVOTE. The notice is included in the package. Mark reviewed the CLEC questions and CenturyLink responses that are posted separately to the calendar entry.

Kim Isaacs – Integra said thank you for the clarification.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink then reviewed the System notice SYST.OTHR.06.08.16.F.14645.AccCnsldtnDwntmOrdrRstrct included in the CMP package. Mark said we had received CLEC questions on the notice and then reviewed the CLEC questions and CenturyLink responses that are posted separately to the calendar entry.

Kim Isaacs – Integra asked if there will be an emergency CenturyLink contact for orders that need to be worked during the order restriction period. Kim gave an example of a Telecommunications Service Priority (TSP) customer that needed an order issued. She asked how the order would be worked during the downtime.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said we would take that as a follow-up item and would try to get a response to include in the meeting minutes. He then relayed that CenturyLink will be distributing a notification mid June to relay the customer training plan and two dates for planned customer training for a web call which are July 12 and July 19. Mark asked if there were any other questions. There were none.

5/18/16 Monthly Systems CMP Meeting SCR120314-1 Implement EASE to provide a centralized platform for ASR processing SCR120314-2 Implement CABS to provide a single application to bill Wholesale customers for their Access Service Requests (ASR) SCR120314-3 Retire the CORA GUI and UOM/XML application for processing ASRs SCR120314-4 Retire IABS for Wholesale billing Mark Coyne – CenturyLink relayed a status of Customer Testing. For billing, three customers have received IABS to CABS bills. One customer approved the converted bill, one is still analyzing, and the last customer has not yet started. There are a total of around 1400 test cases and 418 cases have passed; 145 were removed thus that is approximately 40% of the cases that have passed. Mark said there are seven active defects which are found in the ordering area. CenturyLink is producing more user friendly ASOG business rules which are being shared as part of testing. The Third Party Facilitator Wicresoft is engaged and is helping to insure that testing is moving forward smoothly. Mark said CenturyLink will soon be sending notifications on the system downtime for Conversion weekend, how in-flight orders will be handled and the planned approach for the Go/No Go Vote with testing CLECs. The later notice will be a General notice that relays how the calculation criteria will be determined and the process for the actual vote with testing CLECs that will follow the Qwest-Centurylink Merger Agreement. Mark said there will be a time period for review and comment. Mark asked if there were any questions. There were none.

4/20/16 Monthly Systems CMP Meeting SCR120314-1 Implement EASE to provide a centralized platform for ASR processing SCR120314-2 Implement CABS to provide a single application to bill Wholesale customers for their Access Service Requests (ASR) SCR120314-3 Retire the CORA GUI and UOM/XML application for processing ASRs SCR120314-4 Retire IABS for Wholesale billing Mark Coyne – CenturyLink stated that Customer Testing began March 21, 2016. There are a total of around 1400 test cases across the various test customers and as of this week, approximately 12% of the cases have passed. Mark said the majority of the defects found are in the ordering area. There are currently twelve active defects that should be resolved and ready for retest soon. Mark said he believes testing is proceeding smoothly at this time. He asked for comments or questions.

Armando Fimbres – OR PUC asked how many customers were testing.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink estimated that there were between four and six. There were no other questions.

APRIL 27, 2016 UPDATE: In checking with the Access Service Consolidation Project Testing team, at this time, there are six customers working with the CenturyLink Test team: Integra, Windstream, Neustar, XO, ATT and Sprint.

3/16/16 Monthly Systems CMP Meeting SCR120314-1 Implement EASE to provide a centralized platform for ASR processing SCR120314-2 Implement CABS to provide a single application to bill Wholesale customers for their Access Service Requests (ASR) SCR120314-3 Retire the CORA GUI and UOM/XML application for processing ASRs SCR120314-4 Retire IABS for Wholesale billing Mark Coyne – CenturyLink relayed a Walkthrough was conducted on February 22, 2016 for the New GUI and the revised EASE Release 1.0 draft technical specifications associated with ASOG 52. The Product Process Level 2 notification had been sent February 26, 2016 and no customer comments had been received. Mark said training was conducted for customers that are testing with CenturyLink on March 7, 2016 and that customer testing was to begin March 21, 2016. Mark said the Load and Performance testing results are available and a notification will be forthcoming to relay where that documentation will be posted. Mark asked if there were any questions. There were none.

02/17/16 Monthly Systems CMP Meeting SCR120314-1 Implement EASE to provide a centralized platform for ASR processing SCR120314-2 Implement CABS to provide a single application to bill Wholesale customers for their Access Service Requests (ASR) SCR120314-3 Retire the CORA GUI and UOM/XML application for processing ASRs SCR120314-4 Retire IABS for Wholesale billing February 17, 2016 Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said the New GUI Initial Release Notice was sent on February 1, 2016. On February 17, 2016, both the Revised EASE draft Technical Specifications for ASOG 52 and the New GUI Draft Release Notes for EASE will be sent. A customer Walkthrough is scheduled for February 22, 2016. Mark said the Product Process Level 2 Notification is due February 26, 2016. Training information is included on the Draft GUI Release notice and identifies that training will be available March 2, 2016 for those customers that have agreed to perform testing with CenturyLink. For the remainder of the customer community, the training will be available in mid July. Mark said Customer Testing is scheduled to begin March 21, 2016. Mark asked if there were any questions. There were none.

2/17/16 Monthly Product Process CMP Meeting Proposal for Level 2 Product Process notification associated with Access Consolidation Project John Hansen – CenturyLink provided an overview of the CenturyLink proposal for how to handle the posting of the revised documents associated with the OSS changes for the Access Consolidation Project. John said there are about 75 Product Catalogs (PCATs) and Business procedures that need to be updated to change CORA to EASE and IABS to CABS. John said that CenturyLink would like to utilize the same process as when rebranding occurred which was to publish one or two documents to the Document Review site as examples of the common changes. John said he would also provide a document that lists all of the PCATs and Business procedures that would be changed in a similar manner. Once the notification review cycle has completed, the interim documents would be posted to the OSS Access Consolidation Web page under Methods and Procedures for use during the testing period. John said the posted documents would be Word versions rather than hypertext so the embedded links to other documents will not work. The proposed notification date is February 26, 2016. The date to have the documents posted to the ASR Consolidation Web page is March 21, 2016. The current proposed implementation date is August 1, 2016. John asked if there were any questions about this approach. There were none.

01/20/16 Monthly Systems CMP Meeting SCR120314-1 Implement EASE to provide a centralized platform for ASR processing SCR120314-2 Implement CABS to provide a single application to bill Wholesale customers for their Access Service Requests (ASR) SCR120314-3 Retire the CORA GUI and UOM/XML application for processing ASRs SCR120314-4 Retire IABS for Wholesale billing Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said there have been some changes since we last met in December. On December 18, 2015, CenturyLink sent a notification to relay the project was being delayed. On January 15, 2016, a notification was sent to relay the new Project Release to Production date will be August 1, 2016. He said that the revised release milestones had been updated on the OSS Calendar. This revised schedule is better for both CLECs and CenturyLink by allowing the CLEC testing to begin on ASOG 52.

Kim Isaacs – Integra said this schedule makes it much easier to perform CLEC testing by not having to test ASOG 51 and then ASOG 52.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink asked if there were any questions. There were none.

12/16/15 Monthly Systems CMP Meeting SCR120314-1 Implement EASE to provide a centralized platform for ASR processing SCR120314-2 Implement CABS to provide a single application to bill Wholesale customers for their Access Service Requests (ASR) SCR120314-3 Retire the CORA GUI and UOM/XML application for processing ASRs SCR120314-4 Retire IABS for Wholesale billing Mark Coyne – CenturyLink provided an update on several recent activities for the project. He said the CABS Billing 1.0 Final Technical Specifications and CenturyLink Response to comments were sent on November 23, 2015. The EASE Release 1.0 Final Tech specifications notice was also due on November 23, 2015 however a notice was sent on that date to relay CenturyLink needed more time to allow further investigation on some of the customer comments that were received. The Final Notice and CenturyLink Response to comments were delayed until December 9, 2015. Mark said work is progressing between CenturyLink and CLEC Testers and then reviewed some of the upcoming project milestones dates for January 2016. Mark then relayed that the ASR Consolidation Project is currently going through an end of year review to ensure that all scheduled milestones are on track and that CenturyLink is prepared to enter the testing phase mid January.

NOTE: On December 18, 2015, CenturyLink sent notification SYST.EASE.12.18.15.F.14158.AccessCnsldtnProjectDELAY to relay the CORA to EASE and IABS to CABS Consolidation project was delayed and that the delay is a result of ongoing reviews to ensure the delivery of a high quality systems product to customers. The notification indicated that by January 15, 2016, CenturyLink will provide an update on the status of the Access Consolidation Project and Timeline.

11/18/15 Monthly Systems CMP Meeting Mark Coyne – CenturyLink provided an update on several items. He said the 3rd Party Facilitator is Mark Pomeroy – Wicresoft and he has been participating on some recent Project calls. Mark said the joint test planning meeting was held on November 10 and those meeting minutes have been posted to the Wholesale calendar. The Technical Specification Walkthroughs were conducted on November 12 and those meeting minutes will be posted by November 19. As far as upcoming milestones, Mark said the CLEC formal comment cycle ends on November 18, the final technical specification notifications are due November 23 along with the CenturyLink response to CLEC comments, and there will be some GUI notices to be issued in the December timeframe. Mark said customer testing is to begin on January 18, 2016 and customers that will be participating will be contacted soon to begin setup if they have not already.

Armando Fimbres – Oregon PUC asked which parties are planning to participate in the testing.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said a notice went out in July to request customer test participation. Integra, XO and Windstream responded at that time and since then, Verizon, AT&T and Sprint identified that they will be participating. Mark reminded call participants that these CRs are posted separately to the Wholesale calendar vs. being included in the Distribution package.

Kim Isaacs – Integra asked if they have questions about testing, where should they be sent.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said to send them to the CMPCOMM mailbox for now until customer testing is started.

10/21/15 Monthly Systems CMP Meeting Mark Coyne – CenturyLink provided an update regarding the selection of a 3rd Party Facilitator. Mark said in previous monthly meetings, we had shared that the vendor selection had been narrowed to three candidates, Accenture, Deloitte and Wircresoft. We previously asked if there are any concerns with any of these three vendors. Mark said there were no concerns identified so CenturyLink proceeded with interviews and the validation of references. Based on the criteria of cost, knowledge, experience, and availability, CenturyLink has selected Wircresoft to be the 3rd Party Facilitator (3PF) for the project. Mark said they had the highest score in the selection process with an emphasis on cost and they were able to provide the skills necessary for the project. Mark asked if there were any questions. There were none. Mark said if there were no objections, CenturyLink would complete the Procurement process to bring Wircresoft on board. Mark requested that those on the call refrain from sharing this information for a time until the other vendors could be notified by CenturyLink. Mark said though CenturyLink was somewhat late in sharing our choice for the 3PF, it has not had an impact on the other Access Consolidation project dates. CenturyLink does not anticipate that we will need the 3PF until mid November when test planning discussions begin.

Armando Fimbres – Oregon PUC asked when the other parties would be notified.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said within the next couple days.

Kim Isaacs – Integra said she would share the decision within Integra and would provide any concerns back by end of week. Kim said there had been some early discussion about not having a 3PF since there was a cap on what was spent on a 3PF for consolidation projects.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said there had been some discussion about not having a 3PF but because no one took the lead on going with that suggestion, CenturyLink proceeded with assuming a 3PF was required. Mark said he could not share exact numbers but that the 3PF cost for this project was less than 30% of what was allocated overall per the merger agreement. Mark said he believes Wircresoft was well positioned for this project. Mark asked if there were any other questions. There were none.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said CenturyLink had sent a notification in early November to share information about a new OSS Web page that would be a repository for important documents and information related to the Access System Consolidation project; it would also be used for any future system consolidation projects. Mark said the purpose of the page is to provide ready access to project information including the Consolidation Plan and related information on Ordering, Billing, Methods and Procedures, Training, and Testing materials. . Mark said one CLEC comment had been received and CenturyLink will provide the response and final notice on October 23, 2015 with the effective date of October 30. Mark asked if there were any questions. There were none.

Susan Lorence - CenturyLink said that for future CMP monthly packages, it was suggested that we isolate these four CRs into a separate document and post it to the calendar and asked if that was agreeable to everyone. There were no objections.

09/16/15 Monthly Systems CMP Meeting Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said an update had been provided last month by Tracy Strombotne – CenturyLink regarding the 3rd Party Facilitator. He said we are close to concluding the review of the vendor responses from Accenture, Deloitte and Wircresoft and making a final recommendation. CenturyLink interviewed the SMEs from each company last week and we are now confirming the references they provided while also beginning work to draft the Statement of Work. Mark asked if there are any concerns with any of these three vendors by anyone on the call. He said if customers do have any concern but did not want to express it on the call, an email can be sent to the CMP mailbox preferably before September 18, 2015.

Armando Fimbres – Oregon PUC asked if anyone had expressed any concerns to date.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said no, there have not been any concerns expressed but that we want to understand if there are any before we make a recommendation. If there are concerns, those should be sent to the CMP mailbox. He said we will be scheduling an ad hoc meeting within the next several weeks to review the recommendation for the 3rd Party Facilitator.

Armando Fimbres – Oregon PUC asked if the September 1, 2015 selection date had shifted.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said yes it did since the 3rd Party Facilitator work will not really occur until later in 4th quarter 2015 and early 2016.

Susan Lorence – CenturyLink said the change to reflect the date of September 30, 2015 was not a recent change but occurred with the notification that was sent in June 2015.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said we hope to have the 3rd Party Facilitator recommendation with a week or so of September 30, 2015.

Kim Isaacs – Integra said regarding the ICONN data base and the switch embargo, ICONN still has the old date on it.

Susan Lorence – CenturyLink said she knew that ICONN was being updated soon to point to the dates on the OSS calendar.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink asked if there were any other questions about these CRs. There were none.

08/19/15 Monthly Systems CMP Meeting Susan Lorence – CenturyLink provided an update on these four CRs. As relayed in the July CMP, a notification was sent July 10, 2015 for customers to self-nominate for participation in customer testing. Two CLECs self nominated. Since then, two other customers have also expressed interest. Susan then briefly addressed a response to an Action Item from the July meeting regarding the Bill media notification. The CenturyLink response was included in the System package on page 68.

Kim Isaacs – Integra asked if the new eBill option mentioned in the response was an electronic version of the paper bill.

Sue Kriebel – CenturyLink responded that it was an image of the paper bill.

Susan Lorence – CenturyLink asked Tracy Strombotne – CenturyLink to provide a status of RFP for 3rd Party Facilitator.

Tracy Strombotne – CenturyLink advised that CenturyLink had received final estimates for the RFP and continues to evaluate the results. Three RFP responses were received from Accenture, Deloitte and Wircresoft ranging from $300K to $400K. Tracy said that CenturyLink also continued to reach out to those CLECs that were signatories in the third party facilitator agreement in Minnesota and have yet to receive a response back regarding waiving or seeking a cap on the third party facilitator requirement. Tracy said that based on that lack of response, CenturyLink will continue the evaluation of the final estimates and will provide a recommendation to the CLECs within the next thirty days. Tracy said if any CLECs on the call felt strongly one way or the other about the use of a third party facilitator, if they could share that now or via the CMP mailbox, CenturyLink would appreciate that. All input will be considered until the time that CenturyLink’s recommendation is completed and a call is scheduled with the CLEC community to share and review the recommendation. Tracy asked if there were comments or concerns. There were none.

07/15/15 Monthly Systems CMP Meeting Mark Coyne – CenturyLink provided an update on these four CRs. The CenturyLink Response to Comments and updates to the Preliminary Interface Implementation Plan/Consolidation Plan were sent June 19, 2015. He said the Final Retirement notice for CORA and IABS was also sent June 19, 2015. On July 1, 2015, a notification was sent with the final version of the Request for Proposal (RFP) for the 3rd Party Facilitator that included some small language changes. Mark said the RFP has also been sent to potential vendors and has a cutoff date for response of July 31, 2015. CenturyLink will then take the vendor responses and do some evaluation. Mark said the plan is for CenturyLink to make a recommendation to this group in mid to late August. Mark asked Armando Fimbres – Oregon PUC if that answered his question about the 3rd Party Facilitator from the Product Process meeting.

Armando Fimbres – Oregon PUC said yes it did. Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said a notification was sent on July 10, 2015 for customers to self-nominate for participation in customer testing of the Consolidation Project. A copy of the notice was included in the package. Mark said customers that are interested should send a response with their customer contacts to the CMPCOMM mailbox by July 31, 2015. Mark said two customer responses have been received so far. Mark asked if there were any questions. There were none.

6/17/2015 Monthly Product Process CMP Meeting Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said these four CRs relate to ASR Consolidation. There were two system release notices for these CRs that were distributed on April 29, 2015: an initial release notification for EASE and CABS and a retirement notification for CORA and IABS. The comment cycle on the Preliminary Interface Implementation Plan/Consolidation Plan closed on May 29, 2015. The CenturyLink Response to Comments and any updates to the Preliminary Interface Implementation Plan/Consolidation Plan are due June 19, 2015. Mark indicated that a notification went out for review related to the 3rd Party Facilitator on May 26, 2015. CenturyLink did receive some questions and a response will likely be sent no later than early July. Mark mentioned a notification will be sent out soon related to asking customers to self-nominate for participation in Testing. The planned production effective date for this ASR consolidation is May 30, 2016. Mark asked if there were any questions. There were none.

5/20/2015 Monthly Product Process CMP Meeting Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said these CRs relate to the ASR Project Consolidation. Mark said the system notifications associated with these CRs were distributed April 29, 2015. There was an initial release notification for EASE and CABS and a retirement notification was distributed for CORA and IABS. The ASR Project Consolidation Plan was posted to the Document Review site associated with these notifications. Mark said a Preliminary Interface Implementation Plan Review Meeting was conducted on May 13, 2015 where the various sections were reviewed and as well as the Timeline for the ASR Project Consolidation Plan. Mark said the planned production effective date is May 30, 2016. CenturyLink had extended the formal Comments cycle through May 29, 2015. Mark said he wanted to provide an update on some of the discussion regarding the 3rd Party Facilitator. He said he had asked for input from the May 13 call participants on whether they wanted to have a 3rd Party Facilitator for this project and had not received much response. Mark said one idea that was brought up was whether there should be a cap on the amount spent for this project. Mark said based on the discussion, CenturyLink felt the best path forward was see what potential costs are returned as part of the Request for Proposal (RFP) process. Based on that, CenturyLink will be sending out the revisions to the RFP for CLEC review soon and will then send the RFP to suppliers by the end of June. That would better allow a determination of next steps.

Kim Isaacs – Integra said in regard to generating a cap, she asked if we are talking about generating another cap.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said yes that had been brought up on the call on May 13, 2015. He said in the merger agreement, there is a current cap of $1M for a 3rd Party Facilitator for all integration projects and the proposal was rather than having no 3rd Party Facilitator for this project, what about capping what is spent for this ASR project.

Kim Isaacs – Integra asked how that would be done, would it be done via CMP.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said as far as determining if there is a cap and what that might be, we would need Regulatory to be involved to see how that could occur based on who were the participants in the Merger agreement.

Kim Isaacs – Integra said she agreed that it would need the involvement of those involved in the Merger agreement.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said the RFP would be sent for review soon and that it is a little different than the 2012 final version of the RFP. The main difference is that this RFP is more specific to the ASR Consolidation project. Mark asked if there were any questions. There were none.

05/13/2015 Ad hoc meeting minutes Access Service Ordering and Billing System Consolidation

SCR120314-1- Implement EASE to provide a centralized platform for ASR processing SCR120314-2 - Implement CABS to provide a single application to bill Wholesale customers for their Access Service Requests (ASR) SCR120314-3 - Retire the CORA GUI and UOM/XML application for processing ASRs SCR120314-4 - Retire IABS for Wholesale billing

Attendees: Valerie Starr – LS Networks Carmen Painter – LS Networks Allison Miller – LS Networks Bonnie Johnson – Minnesota Department of Commerce Shareka Coverson – AT&T Netania Buckner – AT&T Jennie Ness – AT&T Keisha Graham – AT&T Carol Frike – Neustar Donna Miller – Neustar Laurie Roberson – Integra Armando Fimbres – Oregon PUC Diane Heier – Dakota Carrier Network David Burley – Verizon Lynn Denton – Windstream Brent Sperry - Blackfoot Communications Amber Hopper - Long Lines Sean Cooper - Minet Fiber Pam Popp - POPP Communications Mark Coyne – CenturyLink John Hansen – CenturyLink Sue Kriebel – CenturyLink Renee Albersheim – CenturyLink Anne Robberson – CenturyLink Mark Holling – CenturyLink Tracy Strombotne – CenturyLink Dave Bilobran – CenturyLink Mike Norton – CenturyLink LaLou Garner – CenturyLink Fadila Boumaza – CenturyLink Sid Eppinette – CenturyLink Mike Laughman – CenturyLink Danelle Haynes – CenturyLink Mike Backstrom – CenturyLink Rita Urevig – CenturyLink Kim Reed – CenturyLink Deborah Peterson – CenturyLink Michelle Li – CenturyLink Sandra Norman – CenturyLink Doug Poyser – CenturyLink Susan Lorence – CenturyLink

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink relayed the purpose of the call was to walkthrough the CenturyLink Access Service Ordering and Billing System Consolidation Plan which provides the information required in the CMP Preliminary Interface Implementation Plan as well as the information required in the Merger agreement. This review is to help clarify any areas where someone might have a question. Mark said the hope is that people have had a chance to review the Plan already and that he would not read the Plan line by line. After a brief summary of a section, he would see if there were any questions. Mark said CenturyLink SMEs were on the call to answer ordering or billing questions; if the SMEs are not able to answer a question on the call, we would try to include the CenturyLink response in the meeting minutes to be sent on May 20. If any question would then still be outstanding, we would provide updates in the CMP meeting. Mark asked if that approach was agreeable to those on the call.

Armando Fimbres – Oregon PUC said that was fine.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said if there was a detailed technical question, that question would be addressed in the draft Technical Specifications scheduled for later in the year. He then began to review the sections of the Consolidation Plan.

Armando Fimbres – Oregon PUC asked if the document for CMP review was the same as the one filed with the various states.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said yes, the document is titled the CenturyLink Access Service Ordering and Billing System Consolidation Plan. He then continued his review of the Sections of the Consolidation Plan. The following questions came up during the review of the various Sections.

Section 1.2 Assumptions Laurie Roberson – Integra asked for confirmation that after conversion, the systems of EASE and CABS would be governed by CMP. Laurie also asked if any CLEC requests for future changes to these systems would be addressed via CMP.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said yes, CMP and the related processes would be in effect for these systems and the applicable products subject to CMP.

Laurie Roberson – Integra asked if the in flight orders, no matter what state they are in, would be completed in CORA or would they be completed in EASE.

Anne Robberson – CenturyLink said if an order made it thru the Gateway process and was “accepted”, the order would then be completed in EASE. Anne confirmed that if the order was rejected back to the customer, it would need to be re-entered into EASE.

Section 2.2 End State System View Laurie Roberson – Integra asked if she understood correctly the statement in the Plan regarding if a customer is not currently using UOM in CORA, there is no sense going to UOM until a customer gets to EASE.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said that is correct though it is a customer decision.

Section 2.3.1 Service Order Functionality – CORA to EASE (ASOG 52) Armando Fimbres – Oregon PUC said the matrix shows identical functionality but asked if there are any functions that were not on the list.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink asked if the question is whether the list provides a comprehensive list of the functions.

Armando Fimbres – Oregon PUC said yes.

Mike Norton – CenturyLink said this is a comprehensive list of the major functions for pre-order and order.

Section 2.3.2 Access Service Ordering Differences between EASE and CORA Laurie Roberson – Integra said the last bullet in the section implies that CORA requires a password with each order which is not accurate.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said that is true and with the final version, we would take that bullet out.

Section 3.1 Consolidation Plan Schedule and Milestones Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said the table shows a blend of CMP and merger related milestones and reviewed some of key milestones. Based on merger requirements, some of the CMP timelines are extended. Mark said we will be adding the key dates by system to the OSS calendar for tracking and asked if customers preferred just the CMP milestones to be added or whether all of these milestones should be included.

Laurie Roberson – Integra said she would prefer all of the dates be added to the calendar.

Armando Fimbres – Oregon PUC said he preferred all of the dates to be included also.

Laurie Roberson – Integra said there was a filing in Washington to eliminate some of the merger conditions and asked which ones that would impact.

Renee Albersheim – CenturyLink said the current schedule does not reflect the added Washington requirements. If that petition is rejected, the implementation date would be delayed by 53 days following the customer testing. Renee said so far, there has not been opposition to the petition.

Section 3.2 3rd Party Facilitator Laurie Roberson – Integra said the Milestones show a date for the third party facilitator selection but it does not show how the CLECs fit into the schedule or whether they want it. Laurie asked where the CLEC input falls in the schedule.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said this is covered in Section 3.2 and reviewed some history to this topic. Mark said over two years ago, CenturyLink worked with several CLECs to provide input on the Request for Proposal (RFP) to select a 3rd Party Facilitator. CenturyLink is currently proposing modifications to that RFP to be more specific to the ASR Project; previously the RFP was more generic. CenturyLink is planning on sending out the revised RFP for review soon. Mark said the Consolidation Plan will be updated to reflect engagement of the 3rd Party Facilitator to be third quarter vs. second quarter 2015. He asked those on the call to what extent they wanted to engage a 3rd Party Facilitator for this project since there is a $1M cap on integration projects per the merger agreement. Mark said he would like to get input from those on the call. He said depending on input from the customer community, CenturyLink might engage CenturyLink Regulatory to pursue a waiver to the 3rd Party Facilitator requirement for this ASR project if there was support from the customer community.

Armando Fimbres – Oregon PUC asked if the question is in regard to the 9/1/15 milestone entry for 3rd Party Facilitator and asked where CenturyLink was on that budget currently.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said this is the first integration project so no dollars had been spent. Mark said the question is do customers want to use some of this money for this ASR project. Mark said if no input is provided, CenturyLink must assume we proceed with the RFP.

Laurie Roberson – Integra said she had some questions to get answered before she stated an opinion. She asked whether an informal poll could be sent via CMP to gather some customer input on the 3rd Party Facilitator and whether the budgeted dollars would be spent on this initial consideration? Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said CenturyLink could possibly treat it as an informal exception but would need to act soon if the 3rd Party Facilitator was to be on board by September. Mark said he did not think the 3rd Party Facilitator budget would be impacted until an external resource was on board.

Tracy Strombotne – CenturyLink said that is her understanding. That budget is not for costs internal to CenturyLink but for an outside resource.

Laurie Roberson – Integra said she would like to see the RFP which would allow a more informed customer decision.

Susan Lorence – CenturyLink asked if it was possible to combine the 3rd Party Facilitator review and the straw opinion poll on the use of the budget since the notice was to go out shortly.

Laurie Roberson – Integra said that would be good.

Bonnie Johnson – Minnesota Department of Commerce asked if it was possible for the customers to place a cap on the 3rd Party Facilitator spending amount, e.g., $200K.

Tracy Strombotne – CenturyLink said she was happy to pursue putting a cap on the spending with the CenturyLink legal team but said the issue would be whether CenturyLink could then get a company engaged for a capped amount. Tracy took an Action Item to check into the question.

NOTE May 19, 2015 UPDATE: Centurylink is proceeding with a review of the redlined RFP in order to obtain potential supplier costs and determine next steps.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink finished review of the remaining sections of the Consolidation Plan and asked if there were any questions. He referred to the Appendices and asked if there were any questions there.

Bonnie Johnson – Minnesota Department of Commerce asked if the states could expect amendment or ICA activity if the current ICA wording does not say “or successor system”.

Renee Albersheim – CenturyLink said she would take that as an Action Item.

NOTE May 19, 2015 UPDATE: This Action Item is under investigation.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said if no answer by the meeting minutes, it would be included as a follow-up in a later CMP meeting.

Keisha Graham – AT&T said once the ASR consolidation is complete, will the transmission of invoices change.

LaLou Garner – CenturyLink asked for clarification if the question was specific to IP addresses or was it associated with the record format. LaLou said the SMEs are looking at media options currently. Like today, the BDT will be created in BOS standard format. LaLou said if anything changes, customers would be notified ahead of time and testing would occur.

Keisha Graham – AT&T asked if any BANs would change.

LaLou Garner – CenturyLink said yes. BANs would be consolidated to bill at a state level vs. LATA. There would be a spreadsheet provided that provides the new BANs.

Sid Eppinette – CenturyLink said if a customer currently has a feed from CABS, the new BANs will be added to the existing feed. Each customer would be contacted regarding media setup.

Jennie Ness – AT&T asked if the ASR integration meant all companies, including ILECs, ICOs, etc.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said yes it encompasses everything.

Armando Fimbres – Oregon PUC asked if there were any other waivers other than the mentioned 3rd Party Facilitator one.

Renee Albersheim – CenturyLink said there should not be any other waivers required other than the current Washington one and the potential for the 3rd Party Facilitator one.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink asked if there were any other questions. There were none. He said the meeting minutes would be available next week and the CenturyLink response to Action Items as they become available. Mark thanked everyone for the input and said CenturyLink was working toward making the project a success for all parties involved.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 AM Mountain Time.

4/15/2015 Monthly Product Process CMP Meeting Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said CenturyLink is currently putting the final touches on an “ASR Consolidation Plan”. The Plan will equate to the detailed plan as required by the merger agreement and also equates to the Preliminary Interface Implementation Plan that is a requirement of CMP. CenturyLink will send out the ASR Consolidation Plan to the FCC and various state agencies by the end of the month. Mark said though we have four CRs that were introduced in CMP, to cut down on the number of customer notices sent, the approach will be to send one Initial Release Notification for the introduction of EASE and CABS and one Initial Retirement Notification for the retirement of CORA and IABS. Each notice will include the ASR Consolidation Plan for review. Mark asked if there was any objection to CenturyLink sending two notices versus four. There was none. Mark also indicated that CenturyLink was going to provide 30 days for the formal customer comment period instead of the CMP requirement of 14 or 15 days depending on the type of notification. CenturyLink will conduct an ad hoc call to address customer questions mid way through the 30 day window.

Kim Isaacs – Integra asked if the plan will include a specific timeline and identify specific systems differences.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said yes, a timeline is included that identifies specific dates and the plan will also include system differences. Mark said the document is approximately 15-20 pages without the appendices.

Kim Isaacs – Integra asked if the current EASE business rules will be the ones in place for the ASR consolidation.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said he thought yes.

Tracy Strombotne – CenturyLink said that was covered in the ASR Consolidation plan.

NOTE: 4-22-15 UPDATE Per the ASR project SME team, the EASE business rules are being modified to meet the Legacy Qwest customer needs and unique tariff requirements.

Kim Isaacs – Integra said she brought it up previously that moving from screen to screen in EASE was “more sluggish” than CORA and it was relayed that CenturyLink was working on that. Kim asked if that was covered in the Consolidation Plan.

Tracy Strombotne – CenturyLink said she was not aware that EASE was more sluggish and did not remember that question from previous discussions but said load and performance testing is part of the plan.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said this question had been addressed by Mike Norton – CenturyLink on a previous call. Mark said whether the question was specifically covered in the plan, it will be addressed.

NOTE: 4-22-15 UPDATE from February 4, 2015 Ad Hoc Meeting minutes: Mike Norton – CenturyLink said in EASE, the entire order is validated at one time. There are a whole series of simple business field edits as well as back office validations that occur on all data on all forms, e.g., address, assignments, CFA availability, etc. Mike said that takes some time for that validation to occur. With that in mind, he said that there is a current project in EASE where the architecture is being modified to go from a serial process to a parallel process on the edits which should improve the performance. Randi Ryan – Comcast said she was looking at change request SCR120314-3 and asked if EASE will use UOM XML.

Tracy Strombotne – CenturyLink said yes that EASE uses UOM XML today.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said to look for the upcoming release notices on the ASR Consolidation CRs and the upcoming meeting notice for the ad hoc call to be held during the second week in May.

3/18/2015 Monthly Product Process CMP Meeting Mark Coyne – CenturyLink provided an update on the February CMP Walk on related to the CenturyLink ASR integration project CRs and the Bill Cycle change notification that was distributed January 30, 2015. As discussed in the February18 monthly CMP meeting, a Level 3 notification was distributed on February 25, 2015 to gather customer feedback and impacts regarding bill cycle changes in conjunction CenturyLink CR # SCR120314-2. Mark said we received some CLEC comments. The Final notice and formal response to comment is due on March 27, 2015 with an effective date of May 1, 2015. Mark said a copy of the notification is included in the CMP package.

2/18/2015 Monthly Product Process CMP Meeting Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said there was another Walk-on related to the CenturyLink ASR integration project CRs and the Bill Cycle change notification that was distributed January 30, 2015. During the February 5, 2015 ad hoc call, there was a question regarding the CMP approval process on whether CenturyLink had the ability to proceed with the ASR system integration without a CLEC vote. Integra recently confirmed that there are no restrictions on proceeding. Further information is available in the CMP Ad hoc meeting minutes that are posted to the Wholesale calendar for that call. There was a second action item that Integra raised regarding the issuance of a CMP notification for the bill cycle changes. Mark relayed based on further CenturyLink review and some discussion with Integra on this, CenturyLink is recommending that a level 3 notification be issued to allow customers a formal comment period. The notice should go out within the next week or so. Mark asked if there were any questions. There were none.

2/5/15 Ad Hoc Meeting minutes - FINAL SCR120314-1- Implement EASE to provide a centralized platform for ASR processing SCR120314-2 - Implement CABS to provide a single application to bill Wholesale customers for their Access Service Requests (ASR) SCR120314-3 - Retire the CORA GUI and UOM/XML application for processing ASRs SCR120314-4 - Retire IABS for Wholesale billing

Attendees: Ryan Cassity – Contact Communications Raeleen Montoya – Contact Communications Kim Isaacs – Integra Laurie Roberson – Integra Jamie Shay – Integra Alice Espindola – Integra Valerie Starr – LS Networks Carmen Painter – LS Networks Mary Lohnes – Midcontinent Communications Karen Viste – Midcontinent Communications Bonnie Johnson – Minnesota Department of Commerce David Burley – Verizon Lynn Denton – Windstream Renee Albersheim – CenturyLink Tracy Strombotne – CenturyLink Dave Bilobran – CenturyLink Isaac Robinson – CenturyLink Nicole James – CenturyLink Mike Norton – CenturyLink Steve Overberg – CenturyLink Dave Obrand – CenturyLink Mark Coyne – CenturyLink John Hansen – CenturyLink Susan Lorence – CenturyLink

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink relayed the purpose of the call which is to share information about the ASR system integration work associated with four CenturyLink Change Requests that were presented in the December Monthly CMP meeting. Mark said the call would be reviewing the “ASR System Consolidation Review” document that is posted on the Wholesale calendar and that attendees could ask questions at any time during the call. If the question could not be readily answered, CenturyLink would take an Action item to follow up after the call. Mark said there would be more meetings on this topic through the life of the project. Renee Albersheim – CenturyLink then reviewed the Agenda and relayed who from CenturyLink would speak to each topic. Renee then covered the systems that will be addressed during the ASR system consolidation project: CORA to EASE for Ordering and IABS to CABS for Billing. The benefits of the ASR system consolidation project were then presented. Renee asked if there were any questions. Kim Isaacs – Integra asked what the current and anticipated volumes in EASE were as compared to the current volumes in CORA. Mike Norton – CenturyLink said he would eventually address that question as part of his presentation. Mike then reviewed the slides that covered the background of the target system of EASE. In response to Integra’s question, Mike said that EASE normally processes approximately 60% of the daily volume of Legacy Qwest. However, with special projects and conversions, EASE has successfully processed two to three times the combined daily volume of Legacy Qwest and Legacy CenturyLink. Mike said during a migration, EASE has reprocessed three months worth of data over a single weekend proving the system was very scale-able with that compressed order entry.

Kim Isaacs – Integra asked about response times in EASE. She said when changing screens, it takes noticeably longer than CORA does today.

Mike Norton – CenturyLink said in EASE, the entire order is validated at one time. There are a whole series of simple business field edits as well as back office validations that occur on all data on all forms, e.g., address, assignments, CFA availability, etc. Mike said that takes some time for that validation to occur. With that in mind, he said that there is a current project in EASE where the architecture is being modified to go from a serial process to a parallel process on the edits which should improve the performance.

Kim Isaacs – Integra said very good.

Mike Norton – CenturyLink continued review of the EASE information beginning with ASOG compliance. When talking about scaleability, Mike said EASE is also used on the LSR side and said the monthly volumes there are ten to twelve times the ASR volume.

Kim Isaacs – Integra said she has been told it is likely that CenturyLink will move from IMA to EASE after 2016. Kim said that there is great concern within Integra about that since IMA was built by the CLECs and is very specialized. She does not think that EASE can perform on the LSR side.

Mike Norton – CenturyLink said he appreciates the information and said there is no decision on the LSR side. That will be a separate decision for LSR systems and that is not addressed with this project. Mike then reviewed the information about the target billing system CABS. Mike pointed out that the Embarq system was close systematically to IABS and was previously successfully converted to CABS. He said there is familiarity and experience within the ASR conversion project team related to the IABS to CABS transition. Mike then reviewed the System Differences information and said the differences on this slide predominantly pertained to Portal users vs. Batch/XML users.

Kim Isaacs – Integra questioned the system difference on the use of a password in CORA on every order. She said it did not sound familiar to her based on her experience of CORA. Once signed in, a representative could generate as many ASRs as they want.

Mike Norton – CenturyLink said we would take an Action Item. He said if it works that way, there will not be a system difference.

FOLLOWUP NOTE: CenturyLink SMEs are investigating this Action Item.

Mike Norton – CenturyLink continued review of the Billing system differences starting with the level of billing difference. Mike said CenturyLink would provide a mapping document to customers during UAT and in Production to identify how IABS BANs are mapped to what accounts in CABS for validation purposes. As part of his review of the billing differences, Mike referred to the early alignment of the billing cycles between IABS and CABS and said that was occurring to allow easier verification at the point of conversion.

Kim Isaacs – Integra said she wanted to talk about the billing cycle alignment and the notification that was recently received. Kim said it appears CenturyLink is going from 26 IABS cycles to 4 CABS cycles and that CenturyLink might be getting the cart before the horse since there has not yet been a CLEC vote on the project.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said there is an existing capability in IABS to change bill cycles and even without the ASR project, CenturyLink has the ability to change billing cycles.

Kim Isaacs – Integra said going from 26 bill cycles to 4 bill cycles is a big difference and might be a problem for big companies. A bill cycle change could require companies to change their internal work flow and processes and systems. Kim asked what provides CenturyLink the authority to change bill cycles, e.g., a tariff or an ICA.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said we would take an Action Item to get with the billing SME team.

FOLLOWUP NOTE: In an effort to ensure common understanding, CenturyLink would like to communicate that there are no terms in the merger agreement that require formal CLEC approvals to move an integration project forward, other than the vote required at the conclusion of testing. Centurylink continues to abide by merger agreement requirements for all required filings/notices with the FCC and CMP, and CenturyLink is unaware of any restrictions that preclude CenturyLink from making these bill cycle changes.

In the case of notice BILL.ANNC.01.30.15.F.13077.IABSBillCycleChanges, the reason for the billing cycle changes is as stated in the notice “to align the cycles prior to the IABS to Carrier Access Billing System (CABS) conversion”. CenturyLink believes the original notice that was received is accurate and provides the appropriate information on the bill cycles currently being consolidated from 18 cycles to 5 available cycles in CABS. Centurylink is providing customers with 90 day advance notice of upcoming bill cycle changes to help contribute to the overall success of the project. (2/13/15 Updates received from Integra in CAPS) FOLLOW UP NOTE - INTEGRA: AFTER A REVIEW OF THE MERGER ORDERS AND SETTLEMENTS DOCUMENTS, CLECS VOTE AFTER ACCEPTANCE TESTING THERE IS NO OTHER CLEC VOTING PRIOR TO ACCEPTANCE TESTING. THE CHANGE TO THE IABS BILL CYCLES REPRESENTS EITHER A PROCESS OR SYSTEM CHANGE THAT IS GOVERNED BY CMP. INTEGRA REQUESTS THAT CENTURYLINK FOLLOW CMP PROCESS WITH REGARD TO THE CHANGES ANNOUNCED IN BILL.ANNC.01.30.15.F.13077.IABSBILLCYCLECHANGES

Mike Norton – CenturyLink then reviewed the slide associated with Conversion Strategy which he said will be a flash cut for ordering and billing, not a phased approach. The current target is for the conversion to occur the 2nd half of 2016 assuming CenturyLink gets the required approvals. Mike asked if there were any questions.

Kim Isaacs – Integra asked if CenturyLink had figured out how in-flight orders would be handled. (2/13/15 Updates received from Integra in CAPS) WILL IN FLIGHT ORDERS BE A PART OF THE [delete IN A] flashcut. She also asked if there would be a quiet period or moratorium on orders.

Mike Norton – CenturyLink said that in flight order handling had not yet been figured out. He said CenturyLink will be performing test runs to determine conversion timing and whether a moratorium will be required. Mike referred to the NIC project and that it was determined that extended downtimes were required for that project.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink then reviewed the CMP/Merger Preliminary Timeline slide. He said the information on the slide is still fluid but a more solid timeline should be available in the next several months. Mark said the information above the line reflects the Merger commitments and the information below the line reflects CMP requirements. In regard to Merger related activities, the Third Party Facilitator activity in the first half of 2015 task really reflects the process of determining the selection criteria; the actual Third Party Facilitator would not be selected until later 2015. Mark said the FCC detailed plan is currently under development and should be completed during the first half of 2015. In regard to the CMP related activities, the CMP CRs were actually issued late December 2014. Mark said once the FCC detailed plan is available, we will issue the CMP Initial Release notification and have the Implementation plan review meeting. Mark said the meeting minutes and the responses to the Action items will be placed on the calendar entry. He asked if there were any questions. There were none. He thanked everyone for their participation on the call. The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 AM Mountain Time.

1/21/2015 Monthly Systems CMP Meeting Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said these ASR System Integration CRs were presented last month by Tracy Strombotne – CenturyLink. CenturyLink tentatively plans to have an Ad Hoc call in early February 2015; a customer notification will be sent soon.

12/17/2014 Monthly Systems CMP Meeting Tracy Strombotne – CenturyLink presented this new CenturyLink CR as listed in the CR Description. Tracy said the implementation is expected early the second half of 2016 but the implementation date could be subject to change.

Kim Isaacs – Integra said these system CRs introductions and retirements are associated with the Qwest and CenturyLink merger conditions. She said there is a lot to be done under the merger conditions including the CLEC review of the systems and voting to insure functionality is not lost. Kim asked about the timeline and said if there is a loss of functionality, she thought CenturyLink would prefer a vote earlier than later, possibly as early as first quarter 2015.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said it would be a good to wait for submission of the detailed plan to the different agencies as required by the merger conditions. Mark said at that point, the functional differences could be reviewed that might cause concern. We will review the functions as we work through the normal OSS Conversion process. Mark said he thought the vote to accept the system or not was to occur at the conclusion of the CLEC testing by the majority of the participants. Mark asked if that answers Kim’s question.

Kim Isaacs – Integra said yes. She said if CLECs feel there is a loss of functionality, it would be good to disclose that up front to allow CenturyLink time to mitigate that so the release schedule is not impacted.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said we understood what was being said which is why the CRs are being introduced eighteen months early before the CMP required timeframes. Mark said we will share additional details as soon as we can either via the monthly meeting or ad hoc calls.

Kim Isaacs – Integra said thank you.

Tracy Strombotne – CenturyLink said we have spent time reviewing the merger agreements and will insure the plans and technical specifications timelines are met. Tracy said it is as important for the customer to understand what is happening as it if for CenturyLink to get it done.

CenturyLink Response

Information Current as of 1/11/2021