Wholesale: Products & Services

Archived System CR SCR092618-1IG Detail

Title: ASOG 58 – Industry Standard implementation in EASE
CR Number Current Status
Level of
Release No.

SCR092618-1IG Completed
-   28/6 Ordering
Originator: Walker, Letty
Originator Company Name: CenturyLink
Owner: Walker, Letty
CR PM: Lorence, Susan
Description Of Change
CenturyLink will modify the UOM/Ordering system to acknowledge the ASOG (Access Service Ordering Guideline) version 58. This will include acknowledgement of the industry work associated with the following issues:

• Issue 3607: Add new valid entry to CNT field in Practice 010

• Issue 3608: National Emergency Procedures for Access Ordering Interfaces

• Issue 3611: Modify CPSC Usage to clarify CCS Trunk request

• Issue 3612: Modify UOM Vol III to standardize Provider Test Acceptance at the root level

• Issue 3613: Modify ASR (000) practice to clarify the valid entry text for value of “T”

• Issue 3614: UOM: Redraw existing UOM Vol I diagrams in Visio

• Issue 3615: Modify EVC (016) practice to accommodate a Managed Access E-Line (MAEL) Service request

• Issue 3616: GETO field modification for new values.

• Issue 3617: Addition of LATENCY value for Optical Wave Service

• Issue 3618: Modify the LAT_LONG attribute conditionally within UOM Vol II and III to be optional

Expected Deliverables/Proposed Implementation Date (if applicable):

CenturyLink will implement the proposed changes for Version 58 to be effective on March 16, 2019.

Status History

Date Action Description
9/26/2018 CR Submitted CR Submitted 
9/27/2018 CR Acknowledged CR Acknowledged 
10/17/2018 Status Changed Status changed to Presented. 
10/17/2018 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed in the October Systems CMP Meeting - See Attachment D in the Distribution Package. 
11/1/2018 Status Changed Status changed to Development. 
12/12/2018 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed in the December Systems CMP Meeting - See Attachment J in the Distribution Package. 
1/4/2019 Communicator Issued See notification number SYST.EASE.01.04.19.F.17048.EASE_ASR_R6_DrftTechSpecs. 
1/4/2019 Record Update System Release Walkthrough scheduled for January 16, 2018. 
1/16/2019 General Meeting Held System Walkthrough Conducted - immediately following the monthly CMP meeting. 
1/16/2019 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed in the January Systems CMP Meeting - See Attachment I in the Distribution Package. 
2/1/2019 Communicator Issued See notification number SYST.EASE.02.01.19.F.17094.EASE_ASR_R6_FNLTechSpecs. 
2/18/2019 Communicator Issued See Notification number SYST.EASE.02.18.19.F.17117.EASE_GUI_R6.0DrftRelNote. 
2/20/2019 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed in the February Systems CMP Meeting - See Attachment K in the Distribution Package. 
2/25/2019 Communicator Issued See Notification number SYST.EASE.02.25.19.F.17120.EASE_GUI_R6.0FnlRelNotes. 
3/18/2019 Status Changed Status changed to CLEC Test. 
3/20/2019 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed in the March Systems CMP Meeting - See Attachment G in the Distribution Package. 
4/17/2019 Status Changed Status changed to Completed. 
4/17/2019 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed in the April Systems CMP Meeting - See Attachment G in the Distribution Package. 

Project Meetings

4/17/19 System CMP Meeting Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said this CR was implemented March 18, 2019 and has been in CLEC Test since then. Mark said the SME team has not heard of any concerns with the release. Mark said we would like to move this CR to a Completed status and asked if there were any objections. There were none.

3/20/19 System CMP Meeting Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said this CR was implemented March 18, 2019 with the major EASE ASOG 58 release. The CR is now in CLEC Test. Mark said so far we have not heard of any issues with the release. We will consider moving this CR to a Completed status in the April meeting. Mark asked if there were any questions. There were none.

2/20/19 System CMP Meeting Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said the system walkthrough of the technical specifications for the March EASE ASOG 58 release was conducted immediately following the January CMP meeting. The Final System Release notification was distributed on February 1, 2019. CLEC Testing is available as of February 16, 2019. The Initial GUI release notice was distributed on February 18, 2019 with the comments cycle closing on February 21, 2019. The Final GUI notice will be sent on February 25, 2019. Mark said there is an additional CR that is included in this release that has a production effective date of March 18, 2019.

01-16-19 EASE Release 6.0/ASOG 58 System Walkthrough Meeting Minutes Approximately 9:45 AM MTN Attendees Kim Isaacs – Allstream Nancy Taylor – Allstream Rebecca Byland – Popp Andrea Smith – Comcast Raeleen Montoya – Contact Communications Letty Walker – CenturyLink Michelle Li - CenturyLink Rita Urevig – CenturyLink Mark Coyne – CenturyLink Kellie Halabrin – CenturyLink Susan Lorence – CenturyLink

The EASE Walkthrough began immediately following the monthly CMP meeting for January 2019.

Susan Lorence – CenturyLink referred those on the call to the walkthrough material that was to be reviewed. The CenturyLink Impact Statement for EASE Release 6.0 is posted on the CenturyLink Document review site at http://www.centurylink.com/wholesale/cmp/review.html associated with System notification number SYST.EASE.01.04.19.F.17048.EASEASRR6DrftTechSpecs.

Letty Walker - CenturyLink conducted the walk-through of the ASOG 58 User Impact Statement associated with the EASE ASR Release 6.0. Letty said the ASOG 58 implementation effective date will be March 16, 2019. During the release implementation, EASE VFO (Virtual Front Office) and UOM (Unified Ordering Model) will be unavailable for processing transactions from 5:00 PM ET on Friday, March 15, 2019 until 7:00 AM ET on Monday, March 18, 2019. Ordering access will be back up at 7:00 AM ET on Monday morning, March 18, 2019. Letty then reviewed the presentation document going through each OBF Issue. Once the Issues to be implemented were reviewed, Letty asked if there were any overall questions. There were none. Letty Walker - CenturyLink then reviewed the table entries with the headings ASR Form, Field, and ASR 58 Modification as listed in the ASOG 58 User Impact Statement. Kim Isaacs - Allstream asked about address validation associated with CNT - Clarification/Notification Type. Kim asked if a customer submits an address, will CenturyLink as the provider change an address to match the CenturyLink record.

Letty Walker - CenturyLink said the industry allows providers two options to fix an address that does not match. One option is for providers to fix an address on the customer’s behalf and send the corrected address back. With the second option, through the use of the CNT field of L and the SUPI field of Y, providers can send the address back and ask customers to submit a supplement to correct it. CenturyLink has chosen the second approach to have customers send in a supplement. Letty said that CenturyLink does not want to auto correct the address and then have it be incorrect and cause problems later. There are a number of new fields listed in the Impact Statement that allow that address to be sent back.

Kim Isaacs – Allstream said she understood and agreed.

Letty Walker - CenturyLink said starting with ASR Form 11, there are a number of new fields that are associated with a new product for Managed Access E-Line but CenturyLink does not have a product to implement at this time. Letty said there is no prohibition to use these fields but CenturyLink will not use the date for anything. She relayed that CenturyLink will communicate in the Final Notice for this release if we are ready to support Latitude and Longitude changes with ASOG 58. Finally, Letty referenced the list of holidays that are included in the document for the coming year.

Susan Lorence – CenturyLink said that Kim had brought up at the last EASE system walkthrough that the holiday list included in the Impact Statement is different what is included in the CenturyLink Customer Contact Business Procedure and the list of recognized holidays in their ICA. Susan said that typically CenturyLink would use an OSS Maintenance notice to identify the additional downtime for a system and asked if it was agreeable for CenturyLink to send such a notice in this instance specific to Legacy Qwest accounts.

Kim Isaacs – Allstream reviewed the wording as listed in their ICA regarding holidays which lists New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.

Susan Lorence – CenturyLink said the three days that were different are Good Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, and Christmas Eve day.

Kim Isaacs – Allstream said that Good Friday is a problem as that is not a holiday for Allstream. Kim said the ICAs should be updated then. Susan Lorence – CenturyLink said that is a difficult path.

Letty Walker - CenturyLink said we could consider an update to the Holiday table to identify that some portions of CenturyLink will be available on several of the company holidays. For example, we could make a notation that though it is a CenturyLink holiday, CenturyLink will accept orders.

Susan Lorence – CenturyLink said we will come up with some additional information as to how to handle this and we will discuss it in the February meeting since we have some time before the first holiday in April.

Kim Isaacs – Allstream said that would be good.

Susan Lorence – CenturyLink said beside the holiday issue, the other main point that will be captured in the meeting minutes will be the change associated with address validation. There were no other items identified.

The EASE Release 6.0 system walkthrough concluded at 10:15 AM MT.

01/16/19 System CMP Meeting Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said the initial System release notice for the EASE ASOG 58 release was sent on January 4, 2019. The Technical Specifications are posted for review on the Document Review site associated with notification number SYST.EASE.01.04.19.F.17048.EASEASRR6DrftTechSpecs. Mark reminded those on the call that the System Walkthrough will be conducted immediately following this CMP Systems meeting. The Final System Release notification will be distributed on February 1, 2019 with a Production effective date of March 18, 2019. Mark asked if there are any questions. There were none.

12/12/18 System CMP Meeting Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said the initial release notice for the EASE ASOG 58 release in March 2019 will be sent on January 4, 2019.

10/17/18 System CMP Meeting Letty Walker – Centurylink presented this new CR related to the ASOG 58 Industry release that will be implemented in the EASE UOM and VFO. She covered each of the industry issues that will be included in the release as depicted in the Description section of the CR. Letty asked if there were any questions.

Kim Isaacs – Allstream asked if any of the ASOG 57 remaining changes were going to be included in this release as previously indicated.

Letty Walker – CenturyLink said that when the walkthrough occurs for this release, CenturyLink will share what other things will be included in the release such as the PTA and the Latitude and Longitude fields. Letty said that these changes are still under consideration.

Mark Coyne – CenturyLink relayed that the Draft Tech specs notification will be sent on January 4, 2018.

CenturyLink Response

Information Current as of 1/11/2021