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Open Product/Process CR PC111103-1 Detail

Title: Snap Back Process
CR Number Current Status
Area Impacted Products Impacted

PC111103-1 Withdrawn
Maintenance Repair, Provisioning LNP, UNE - P
Originator: Rea, Ervin
Originator Company Name: AT&T
Owner: To Be Determined
CR PM: Harlan, Cindy

Description Of Change

When performing a UNE-P migration and a CLEC determines that one or more numbers is experiencing a no dial tone (NDT) situation it is requested that the following happen: The CLEC be able to make a phone call to the Qwest provisioning center and request that the migration stop and Qwest would establish the customer's service on the Qwest network. If the migration has completed Qwest would take the customer back and bring the customer's service up to an active status with dial tone. CLEC would issue a supp to their LSR indicating that the due date would change because of a facility issue and provide a new due date. It is further requested that when a customer is being provisioned through the LNP process and the CLEC determines that there is an NDT situation that the same process cited above take place and that the customer be physically taken back onto the Qwest network. For this process to work with the LNP process the notification to Qwest would need to take place prior to Qwest removing the customer from their switch. Consequently it is requested that the translations not be taken out of the Qwest switch until 11:59pm, switch time, the day after completion of the port.

Expected Deliverable:

Improvement of performance measures regarding OP-5 performance indicator (% trouble within 30 days). Improved customer satisfaction as a result of no loss of dial tone.

Date Action Description
11/11/2003 CR Received 
11/12/2003 CR Acknowledged 
11/12/2003 Sent similar CR to ATT to determine if this is a dup request and if we can change this CR to pending withdrawl 
11/13/2003 Ervin Rea ATT advised this CR is similar to PC081403-2. He is willing to withdraw this CR as long as PC081403-2 is on the November agenda and a resolution can be reached that will provide ATT the opportuntiy to ensure that our customers don't go out of service in a UNE-P conversion situation. Email forwarded to Joan Wells-Qwest to review. 
11/13/2003 Sent email to Ervin to advise we wil change to pending withdraw status and he will ask questions about PC081403 to make sure the Workback process meets his needs 
11/19/2003 Discussed the related CR PC081403 at the November CMP meeting. Ervin Rea agreed that CR seems to be meeting the needs of this CR. Qwest will present this CR at the December CMP meeting as pending withdraw. 
11/20/2003 Ervin Rea - ATT replied via email and agreed to withdraw this CR. 
12/17/2003 December CMP meeting the CLECs agreed to withdraw this CR. Notes will be posted to the database. 

Project Meetings

December 17, 2003 CMP Meeting Cindy Macy – Qwest advised that this CR was submitted and it was determined that the Work Back Process CR PC081403-2 is similar to what this CR is asking for. Ervin Rea – ATT agreed to change the CR to pending withdraw status after the Clarification Call. ATT agreed to withdraw this CR at the December meeting. The status will change to Withdraw.

Information Current as of 1/11/2021