Utility Vault Access Request - V3.0
In an effort to ensure safety and security of its Utility Vaults and to coordinate maintenance or construction activities in the confined spaces of manholes, CenturyLink™ requires that CLECs needing access complete a Utility Vault Access Request. This action allows for coordinated scheduling to avoid the conflict of multiple work crews attempting to gain access to the vault at the same time. For the most part, this process will apply to Non-Emergency Situations as defined below.
The application used for this request is a web-application behind the CenturyLink fire wall. It is not password protected and CLECs do not need to register to obtain access. Further, no digital certificates are required. Users will be validated every time they log on to ensure they can have access to the data provided - we have pre-entered all legitimate users to date - any customer with questions can contact their Service Manager.
On the first screen, CLECs will be required to enter their Customer Name and click on the VALIDATE button:
When the resulting screen is returned indicating the CLEC customer is included in CCDB, the customer will be required to enter some additional pieces of information:
- First and last name
- Email address
Once this information is entered and successfully submitted, another screen will be returned that indicates “Validation Complete” and the full Utility Vault Request screen will be returned. It will require the entry of the information as listed below.
CLECs applying for access should be prepared with the following information in order to successfully complete the application:
- CLEC name
- Requester name
- Requester phone number
- Requester E-mail address
- Requested State
- Requested City
- Single vault request or multiple vault requests
- Requested address of vault(s)
- Manhole Number(s) (CLEC will have this information based on Engineering Record check). Will include the first and last manhole of a multiple manhole run.
- Reason for request chosen from a drop- down list
- Start date/time for request
- End date/time of request
- Duration of request
- CLEC or Contractor performing the work
- If Contractor, name of contractor.
- Enter any additional information necessary and click the SUBMIT button.
Upon successful validation of company information and submission of the Utility Vault Access Request form, the local Construction Manager will review the request. Requests will be reviewed and returned to the CLEC within 48 hours.
Generally, request would be for access to a single manhole at a time. In the event of a job including a number of manholes, access can also be addressed thru this process. Requests for multiple manhole/vaults within a single duct run will be evaluated on a case by case basis. Such a request may not include manhole/vaults from different duct runs. (3)
The subsequent approval or denial of the request will be based on current scheduling and information will be entered as remarks in the Notes section of the request (i.e., a later date/time when the CLEC can enter the manhole). The Notes section will also communicate if access is to be accompanied, unaccompanied, or as a random visit (this decision is solely at the discretion of the local Construction Manager).
The following are some examples (this list is not intended to be all inclusive) of when CenturyLink will need to accompany the CLEC or contractor to gain access to the Utility Vault:
- Known presence of sensitive customer circuits (i.e. Telecommunication Service Priority) in that location.
- New Contractor - work quality unknown to CenturyLink.
- Known unsafe environmental issues (i.e., limitations to water disposal, air elimination gasses, etc.).
The following are some examples (this list is not intended to be all inclusive) of when CenturyLink will not accompany or will only randomly visit the CLEC or contractor to gain access to the Utility Vault:
- Known Contractor - work quality known to CenturyLink.
- Known safe environment.
When the Local Construction Manager approves the request, or must deny the request due to a previously scheduled conflict, the notice with the Notes included is sent to the applying CLEC representative and to the appropriate CenturyLink representative via E-mail. In the event of a denial, the CLEC will then update the denied request with new requested date and time.
The following are some examples (this list is not intended to be all inclusive) of when CenturyLink will deny access at the requested time/date:
- Work Conflict - other activity in the location at the same time/date - in this case, all work will be addressed in an as requested order with severity of the issue in mind (OOS will always be addressed at the earliest opportunity). CLECs that have their initial access request denied will be provided alternate dates/times when access will be available. That date/time is only guaranteed once scheduled and confirmed.
- Environmental Safety Issue/Health Hazard preventing even CenturyLink from entering the manhole. This must be rectified before anyone can enter the location.
Non-Emergency Situations
Definition - duct verification, place new facilities, maintain existing facilities (i.e., section throw), remove existing facilities.
The CLEC advance time notification to CenturyLink for routine access will be obtained from each company's individual contract, if applicable. In general, CenturyLink requires CLECs to complete a Utility Vault Access Request at least 48 hours in advance of the requested access date and time. CenturyLink will respond to request within 48 hours of receipt.
Emergency Situations
Definition - customer(s) out of service with corrective action required at this specific location. For this reason, Out of Service is considered to require access to one manhole/vault ONLY. This process is not intended to support Trouble Isolation (which could result in requiring access to more than one manhole/vault). Trouble location isolation should be conducted outside of this process.
CLECs should mark the OOS (Out of Service) indicator on the request form. This indicator will trigger a page to the appropriate Construction Manager for immediate attention. Requests based on an OOS condition can be assumed approved and the CLEC can enter the manhole/vault immediately after notification to CenturyLink.
Feedback Mechanism
In the event that circumstances in the man-hole are note worthy for CenturyLink, the CLEC can use the 'Feedback' button and include the detail necessary. Appropriate CenturyLink personnel will use this information and may contact the CLEC for additional explanation.
For additional information or for assistance in completing the Utility Vault Access Request form, contact your Service Manager.
Return to the Access to Poles, Ducts and Rights of Way (PDR) PCAT.
Last Update: May 29, 2012