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Collocation Decommissioning Overview - V7.0

History Log


Collocation Decommissioning refers to the deactivation of a Collocation site occupied by you and removal of your equipment therefrom.

Collocation Decommissioning is offered for Caged Physical, Cageless Physical, Virtual, Interconnection Distribution Frame (ICDF), Physical Remote and Virtual Remote Collocation.

All other types of collocation to be decommissioned will be handled on an Individual Case Basis (ICB) by submitting an email to rfsmet@centurylink.com.

A request for Collocation Decommissioning is irrevocable once CenturyLinkâ„¢ accepts the application.

Terms and Conditions

Terms and conditions for Collocation Decommissioning are included in your Interconnection Agreement; if those terms differ from those set forth in this document or then the terms of the Interconnection Agreement will prevail.

A Collocation site will be considered eligible for decommissioning after the site is built-out and accepted by you.

CenturyLink prefers, but does not require, that you as the vacating Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (CLEC) remove your own equipment prior to submitting a Collocation Decommission Application. Equipment includes all electronic equipment, equipment racks, mounting hardware, and CLEC supplied; cable, termination blocks and cage materials.

If you do not remove your equipment within 30 calendar days from CenturyLink's acceptance of the Collocation Decommission Application, CenturyLink will send notification to you that the equipment is considered abandoned.

Upon receiving a CenturyLink abandonment notification, you will have 15 calendar days to notify CenturyLink that the equipment is not abandoned and to remove your equipment. CenturyLink will review your responses and assess if the equipment has been abandoned in CenturyLink's reasonable discretion. If you do not remove the equipment in question and CenturyLink determines that the same has been abandoned, CenturyLink will send final notification and bill you for any and all claims, expenses, fees or other costs associated with the removal by CenturyLink including any materials used in the removal and the labor charges, at the hourly rate, associated with CenturyLink's removal of your abandoned equipment. The CLEC will hold CenturyLink harmless from the failure to return any such equipment, property or other items.

CenturyLink will remove all entrance facilities. For shared entrance facilities, CenturyLink will cut all fiber and/or copper entrance facilities at the splice point in the POI. For express entrance facilities, CenturyLink will remove and dispose of the entrance fiber. The express entrance fiber will be cut at the entrance to the CenturyLink POI.

In the case of Virtual/Virtual Remote Collocation, CenturyLink will automatically remove all equipment within 90 calendar days. CenturyLink will negotiate with you to pick up your equipment. There will be no cost to you for the removal of your equipment.

Prior to submitting a Collocation Decommission Application, your financial obligations with respect to the collocation site to be decommissioned must be current, with the exception of formally disputed charges. Your financial obligations include your payment of 100% of all nonrecurring quoted charges and all applicable monthly recurring charges that are more than 30 days past due.

You must disconnect all services from the Collocation site to be decommissioned prior to submitting the Collocation Decommissioning Application. Services to be disconnected by you include, but are not limited to: Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs), administrative lines, finished services, and line sharing services. Services will need to be disconnected via Access Service Request/Local Service Request (ASR/LSR). If you do not disconnect services, all charges with respect to such site will continue to accrue and the Decommissioning Application will be rejected.

Prior to disconnecting the circuits associated with the Collocation site you are encouraged to notify notify, in writing, all current end users and service customers of the discontinuation of service.

Terms in your Interconnection Agreement with CenturyLink must contain finalized terms and conditions associated with the decommissioning of a collocation site. CenturyLink has provided a template Facility Decommissioning Agreement, which may be accepted, signed by you and appended to your Interconnection Agreement or you may negotiate your own agreement.

For Central Office (CO) based Collocation, when you submit a Collocation Decommission Application for a Collocation site that also has a Direct CLEC-to-CLEC arrangement:

You must indicate on the Collocation Decommission Application form that the Direct CLEC-to-CLEC cables must be disconnected. CenturyLink requires that the Direct CLEC-to-CLEC Connection be disconnected at the same time that CenturyLink performs the decommissioning. You are required to disconnect the Direct CLEC-to-CLEC cable on the terminating ends. CenturyLink prefers, but does not require, that you disconnect the Direct CLEC-to-CLEC cables prior to submitting the Decommissioning Application. If you are not able to disconnect the cables prior to the Collocation Decommission Application, you will be allowed 30 calendar days from submitting a valid and accepted application to remove the Direct CLEC-to-CLEC cable at the terminating ends.

Upon decommissioning a site the Direct CLEC-to-CLEC cables will revert to CenturyLink's ownership. The CLEC submitting the Collocation Decommissioning Application must submit a Letter of Authorization (LOA) signed by both the vacating CLEC and partnering CLEC that authorizes CenturyLink to disconnect the installed Direct CLEC-to-CLEC cabling. If a copy of the required LOA is not attached to the Collocation Decommission Application, the application will be rejected as incomplete.

You will be eligible for a potential refund for all elements defined as either reusable or reimbursable at time of decommission. Reimbursable Elements considered for a potential refund are, Digital Signal Level 0 (DS0) termination cabling, Level 1 (DS1) termination cabling, Level 3 (DS3) termination cabling, and fiber terminations (excluding entrance that run from vault directly to collocation site, i.e. Express Fiber Entrances). These elements will be eligible for a potential refund for up to 1 year after the date of Decommission.

Reusable elements include CenturyLink inventoried components (i.e. cage, bays, HVAC, cable racking) to provision the original collocation site. These elements will be available for a potential refund for up to three (3) years after decommission. An inventory will be completed by CenturyLink and furnished to you within 90 calendar days of the Collocation Decommission Application acceptance identifying the reimbursable and re-useable elements and the potential credit.

You are required to return the space in "turnover condition". Turnover condition is defined as the same condition in which you originally assumed the Collocation site.

You must relinquish security access if you do not currently lease another Collocation site at the vacated CO when verification of equipment removal is determined. Security access will be terminated within 30 calendar days of receipt of an accepted application, unless alternative arrangements have been made.  Contact rfsmet@centurylink.com if more time is needed.

For CO-based Collocation, the CLEC submitting the Collocation Decommissioning Application must indicate on the Collocation Decommission Application Form if Splitter Collocation is present, and acknowledge that the Splitter Collocation will be removed.

If the splitters are in a common bay outside the Collocation site, CenturyLink will remove them and notify you for shelf and card pickup. CenturyLink will send this notice within 90 calendar days from the application acceptance date.

If the shelf and card are not picked up within 30 calendar days after CenturyLink notifies you to make arrangements for pickup, the equipment will be considered abandoned and subject to the terms above. Space returned to CenturyLink's control will be offered to requesting CLECs on a first-come, first-serve basis or to CLECs where there is a pending request due to space denial.

For CO-based Collocation, a Method of Procedure (MOP) must be filed for you to remove your equipment: refer to CenturyLink's Technical Publication 77350. Technical Publication information is located in the Implementation section of Collocation - General Information for procedures.

Rate Elements

Under the standard terms of the Facility Decommissioning Agreement, CenturyLink will not charge you for the decommissioning service provided herein, unless equipment has been abandoned or the Collocation space has not been returned to turnover condition. In such events, (i) miscellaneous labor hourly charges as defined in your Interconnection Agreement will apply, and (ii) additional dispatch charges will apply for unstaffed offices/remote terminals, as defined in your Interconnection Agreement.


The decommissioning process requires the submission of a "Collocation Decommission Application form".

For CO-Based Collocation, the Collocation Decommission Application form is located in Applications and Alternate Point of Termination (APOT) forms of the Collocation - General Information The Remote Collocation Cancellation Decommission Application form is located in Applications and Alternate Point of Termination (APOT) forms of the Collocation - General Information

The Decommissioning Application should be submitted to rfsmet@centurylink.com.

CenturyLink will notify you within one business day if the prerequisites have been met and will validate the order within two business days from receipt of the application.

Once CenturyLink receives the Collocation Decommissioning Application including the appropriate documentation and the application has been validated, CenturyLink will process the Collocation Decommission Application through to completion.


You are obligated to pay all monthly recurring charges until CenturyLink validates the Collocation Decommission Application. Upon a request to decommission a Collocation, unless specified differently in your ICA, the monthly recurring charges will stop billing on the date a valid Collocation Decommission Application is submitted.  Any adjustments will appear on the next bill cycle.

You may be eligible for Reimbursable and Reusable Element credits based on the type and quantity of reusable elements and your current Interconnection Agreement rate for the reimbursable element. Any such credits, if applicable, shall be issued by CenturyLink in the form of a credit adjustment or check, as appropriate. For eligibility information, refer to your Interconnection Agreement.


CenturyLink contact information is located in Wholesale Customer Contacts.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

This section is being compiled based on your feedback.

Last Update: February 27, 2017