Register and sign in to Control Center

If your organization has at least one active billing account with CenturyLink, you can register yourself as a Control Center user. You will need your organization's CenturyLink account number and current invoice number. Guest accounts are not available.


Register as a Control Center user

Tips for usernames and passwords

How to sign in

How to update your profile

Troubleshoot sign-in problems

To register as a user

  1. Click the "Register" link in the Sign In box at the top of the page.

  2. In the Billing Account Number field, type your organization's account number. If the account you are trying to register is already in Control Center, you'll get an email telling you to contact your system administrator.

  3. Select the "I'm not a robot" reCAPTCHA checkbox and click Submit.

  4. Click Apply.

  5. Enter your email address, then click Validate.

  6. Enter a username, then click Validate.

    Control Center will check to see whether the username is available.

  7. Fill in the rest of your profile information: first and last name, job title, etc.

  8. Click Submit.

    You'll receive an email confirming your registration was successfully submitted. After you have access to Control Center, you'll be able to log in and add your remaining accounts.

  9. If you're ready to log in, click Take Me to Login Page to log in, acknowledge the end-user agreement, and finish the setup of your Control Center user profile. 

Important: To help ensure your Control Center user profile remains secure, here is how we actively clean up unused Control Center profiles:

  • After six months without signing in, the profile is deactivated.
  • After an additional six months without signing in, the profile is deleted.

  • You should get an email thirty days before your profile is deactivated or deleted so you can sign in and reset the counter for deactivation/deletion.

  • If your profile has been deactivated, your organization's Control Center system administrator can reactivate your user profile.

  • If your user profile has been deleted, your system administrator can recreate it for you.

Tips for Control Center usernames

  • Usernames must be at least 8 characters long
  • Usernames can contain letters or numbers
  • Usernames should not contain special characters like $, !, %, etc. (@ and . are allowed — to accomodate an email address as a username)


If you enter a name and get a user already exists message, it means someone in the system has already reserved that name. You'll need to try another username. For example, if johndoe doesn’t work, try johndoe12 instead.


When you delete a user manually, the username remains unavailable for 30 days. After 30 days, you (or someone else) can reuse that username. Usernames that are automatically deleted from Control Center (after 12 months of inactivity) are available immediately after the user is deleted.


You can reset a forgotten username.

Tips for Control Center passwords

  • Passwords must be at least 12 characters long
  • Passwords must contain letters and at least one number or symbol
  • Passwords cannot be reused within a 12-month period
  • Passwords do not expire


We encourage you to create even stronger passwords. One suggestion to create a stronger password is to write a sentence you'll remember and then use the first letter from each word in the sentence to create your password. For example, I bought a little red Corvet for $9000 in 1999 becomes IbalrCf$9i1. Here are more tips: 

  • Don't include a complete word or series of words (weak = blueSky)
  • Don't use obvious substitutions (weak = L0ok0ut)
  • Don't reuse any part of an old password


You can easily reset a forgotten password or change it.

To sign in to Control Center

  1. Click the "Continue" button in the Sign In box at the top of the page.

  2. Enter your username and password. Forgot your username or password? You can reset them.

Update your Control Center profile

To make changes to your profile:

1. Sign in to Control Center

2. In the upper-right corner, click on your username, then click My Profile

3. Click Update User Details and make any changes

4. When you're done, click Save & Return to Profile

You can make changes to your Control Center profile such as: change your name, password, email address, phone number(s), time zone, mailing address, and security questions.


It's important to keep your contact information up to date. At a minimum, keep your email address current — this is how we alert you when orders are complete, systems are down, or tickets have been updated. (To enable text alerts, you'll also need to fill in your mobile phone number.)


If you need to change your enterprise ID, enterprise name, or username, you'll need to contact your system administrator.

Troubleshoot Control Center login problems

Get help with problems signing in to Control Center, such as an error message or getting locked out of your account.

Problems with credentials

You can reset a forgotten username or password.


If you are certain you're entering the correct username and password, the problem might be how you're entering the information:

  • Are you copying and pasting your username or password? It's easy to accidentally grab an extra space or miss a character when doing a copy and paste. If there's an extra space, the system won't recognize the username/password, and you'll get an error message. If this is the problem you're experiencing, try manually typing in your username and password.

  • Are you relying on your browser to enter your password using stored information? Stored passwords usually don't work with our systems. We recommend manually typing in your Control Center password, rather than relying on your browser to retrieve it.


For some customers, the system automatically adds to the end of their username. For example, if your username is sallysmith, the system would change it to be If you see this happen with your username, do not delete the It's there for a reason and is part of the login process.

Account lock-out

After several unsuccessful login attempts, Control Center locks your account for security purposes. This is a preventative measure against unauthorized people accessing your account.


If your account is locked, you'll receive an email with instructions on how to proceed. If your login credentials are correct, the problem could be with your browser. If Control Center is running slowly, that could also be a browser problem. 

The first and easiest thing to try is to close and restart your browser. If that doesn't work, try these next steps: 

Problems with IP address

Sometimes login problems have to do with your IP address. For instance, if you work for a government agency and have tried the things mentioned in this article without success, you should consult your IT department. The problem may be that your computer was temporarily disconnected from your network. Resetting or renewing your static IP address could solve the problem.

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