Product Catalog (PCAT)
Resale - Metro Ethernet – V46.0
Note: This product is also known as Qwest® Metro Optical Ethernet, Qwest®MOE®, and QMOE®
Product Description
CenturyLink's retail telecommunication service, Metro Ethernet, is available for resale by Competitive Local Exchange Carriers (CLECs) to their end-users. Additional information about resale of CenturyLink's retail services can be found in Resale - General.
Metro Ethernet Service is a flexible, easy-to-use, transport service that uses established Ethernet transport technology. Metro Ethernet allows customers to connect multiple enterprise locations within a service area using native Ethernet protocol. Metro Ethernet supports transmission speeds as low as 1 Mbps and up to 10 Gbps in increments of 10 Mbps from 10 to 100 Mbps, 100 Mbps from 100 to 1,000 Mbps and 1 Gbps from 1 Gbps to 10 Gbps. This allows for flexible growth and permits the customer to choose a bandwidth profile that fits their real traffic needs. 10 Gbps Ports and Bandwidth profiles above 1 Gbps are available on an ICB basis where facilities and capacity exist to meet the request.
The components that make up the Metro Ethernet service are:
- Network Interface (NI): The point that your end-user’s data transmission enters the network that supports Metro Ethernet. It is the point of interconnection between CenturyLink’s communication facility and your end-users terminal equipment.
- Access Link: A Metro Ethernet Access Link connects a customer facility at the NI to an Ethernet port on the Metro Ethernet network with a standard optical or copper connection.
- Metro Ethernet Port: Metro Ethernet Port is an Ethernet port that is the physical entry point to the shared Metro Ethernet Network. Ethernet Virtual Connections (EVCs) or Operator Virtual Connections (OVCs), originate and terminate on a Metro Ethernet Port. Customers may choose to connect to a 10/100, 1,000Mbps or 10 Gbps port on the Company network
Bandwidth Profile: The Bandwidth Profile is bandwidth provisioned over the
Metro Ethernet Port.
- 10/100 Mbps Ports: 1 Mbps, 3 Mbps, 5 Mbps, 7 Mbps, 10 Mbps, 20 Mbps, 30 Mbps, 40 Mbps, 50 Mbps, 60 Mbps, 70 Mbps, 80 Mbps, 90 Mbps and 100 Mbps
- 1,000 Mbps Ports: 10 Mbps, 20 Mbps, 30 Mbps, 40 Mbps, 50 Mbps, 60 Mbps, 70 Mbps, 80 Mbps, 90 Mbps, 100 Mbps, 200 Mbps, 300 Mbps, 400 Mbps, 500 Mbps, 600 Mbps, 700 Mbps, 800 Mbps, 900 Mbps and 1,000 Mbps
- 10 Gbps ports: 1 Gbps, 2 Gbps, 3 Gbps, 4 Gbps, 5 Gbps, 6 Gbps, 7 Gbps, 8 Gbps, 9 Gbps 10 Gbps
- Central Office Bandwidth Profile:
- 1,000 Mbps Port: 100 Mbps, 600 Mbps, 1,000 Mbps
- 10 Gbps Port: 1 Gbps, 6 Gbps, 10 Gbps
Port Types Available
User Network Interface (UNI) or External Network to Network Interface (ENNI)
ENNI Rules
- Rate Limited by EVC only
- No oversubscription (EVC bandwidth cannot exceed total ENNI bandwidth)
- ENNIs and the associated OVCs must be set up with new CoS (even if just lowest CoS of Business Class)
- New UNI ports that will have an OVC pointed to the ENNI must be EVC rate limited
- New UNI ports will also have to have CoS like 3 above if pointed to an ENNI
- Existing UNI ports that a customer wants re-homed to an ENNI must be changed to EVC rate limited if they are UNI rate limited, and they must be changed to Class of Service (CoS).
- Requires the use of the ES field on the ASR
Bandwidth Profile Options - Customer Premises and Central Office, Bandwidths
CoS Rules
- All ports must be EVC rate limited
- CoS entries on the ASR require one LREF line for each option ordered.
- SM or SP ports can only have either QoS or CoS they cannot have both on the same port
- No oversubscription (EVC/OVC bandwidth cannot exceed total ENNI/UNI bandwidth).
- CoS is ordered, provisioned and billed on an EVC or OVC.
- The CoS level is specified for each terminating point on an EVC or OVC.
- If a customer has multiple EVCs or OVCs terminating to a SM, SP or ENNI port the CoS MRC is billed for each EVC OVC as outlined in 8 below.
- The MRC for the CoS level is billed for each terminating point of and EVC or OVC (i.e. a 2 point EVC or OVC will have two CoS MRCs billed for that EVC or OVC, a 3 point EVC or OVC will have 3 CoS MRCs billed)
- CoS is available as either a Single CoS model for all members of the EVC/OVC or as a 3 CoS model for all members of an EVC/OVC. If a Single CoS is selected each member can have only 1 CoS specified, each member must have the same single CoS. If a 3 CoS model is selected each member of the EVC/OVC must have 3 CoS values selected, the values for each member can be the same or different values but you must have at least 1Mbps of each CoS on each member.
Committed Information Rate (CIR) Class of Service offers three (3) class options ordered on a per Mbps basis. CIR bandwidths include 1 Mbps through 10 Mbps in 1 Mbps increments, 10 through 100 Mbps options in 10 Mbps increments and 100 Mbps through 1000 Mbps in 100 Mbps options. CIR Bandwidths greater than 1000 Mbps or in increments not provided above are available in an individual case basis (ICB).
Class of Service defines performance characteristics of the network that manages business applications designating with the following classes:
- Real Time: Supports enterprise applications with the highest prioritization that require low frame delay, minimal frame loss and requires low jitter. Applications include voice, video and Telepresence.
- Guaranteed Data: Supports high priority enterprise applications with tolerance for frame delay, frame loss and jitter. Applications include interactive services such as web conferencing, CCTV, video and voice.
- Business Class: Supports enterprise data applications with greater tolerance for frame delay, frame loss and jitter. Because Business Class is the baseline class for serving Metro Ethernet, there are no additional charges for associated CIR bandwidth. Ordering procedures for Business Class is assigned for remaining CIR within the Bandwidth Profile.
Four (4) Class Quality of Service Template
CenturyLink Quality of Service for Metro Ethernet (QoS) will allow customers to prioritize their traffic in four classes of service. The four different levels are Priority 1, Priority 2, Priority 3 and Priority 4. Together, they allow customers to match the correct level to their applications.
In all Quality of Service options, at least 3 Mbps or 5 Mbps of the Bandwidth Profile will be Priority 1 traffic. Priority 1 traffic is ordered in 3 Mbps or 5 Mbps increments and customers may order multiple increments of Quality of Service at monthly and Pricing Plan rates. The 3 Mbps increment of Priority 1 traffic option is only available for 3 Mbps, 5 Mbps, and 7 Mbps Bandwidth Profiles. The 5 Mbps increment of Priority traffic is available for 5 Mbps Bandwidth Profiles and higher. Each individual Quality of Service Priority 1 increment reserves either 3 Mbps or 5 Mbps of the Bandwidth Profile for Priority 1 traffic. For example: if a customer orders 4 increments of 5 Mbps of Quality of Service, the customer would receive 20 Mbps of the Bandwidth Profile for Priority 1 traffic.
In addition to the Priority 1 traffic, Priorities 2, 3 and 4 traffic percentage levels are specified for the remainder of the Bandwidth Profile. CenturyLink offers eight templates (Template 1 through Template 8), to allocate the P2 through P4 traffic. The amount of P2 to P4 traffic will equal the bandwidth profile, minus the amount of P1 traffic.
A Service Level Availability (SLA) is provided for Priority 1 traffic and a credit will apply should CenturyLink fail to meet the SLA.
Multiple Ethernet Virtual Circuits (EVCs) or Operator Virtual Connections (OVCs)
Each port provided by CenturyLink comes standard with the capability to provide one EVC or OVC (based on the type of ports connected, an External Network to Network Interface (ENNI) has OVCs instead of EVCs). Customers may order more than one EVC or OVC per port. For each additional EVC or OVC, CenturyLink will bill a Multiple EVC/OVC charge.
Metro Optical Ethernet Protect Routing
Protect Routing provides a separate facility path for the protection system between the Serving Wire Center and the Company Point of Termination. In the event that the working facility or the service performance becomes impaired, the facility automatically switches to the service protect path in order to maintain a near continuous flow of information between locations.
Protect routing comes with a service guarantee, and a credit will apply should CenturyLink fail to meet the service guarantee.
Central Office Bandwidth Profile
This Metro Ethernet offering originates and terminates in the same central office for use with Synchronous Service Transport (SST) , GeoMax and Self-Healing Network Service (SHNS) Ethernet Ports. This Bandwidth Profile can also be used for collocation. Central Office Bandwidth Profile will support transmission speeds of 100 Mbps, 600 Mbps, and 1,000 Mbps.
Central Office Connecting Channel (COCC)
Allows a CenturyLink Metro Ethernet service to connect to another CenturyLink Metro Ethernet service, a collocation, or another CenturyLink Ethernet service.
Metro Ethernet is available where facilities exist throughout CenturyLink QC.
Additional information is available in the CenturyLink™ Rates and Services Schedule No.1 (QC RSS No.1) or state specific tariffs Tariffs/Catalogs/Price Lists or by contacting your CenturyLink Sales Executive.
Terms and Conditions
General resale terms and conditions information is located in Resale - General.
Technical Publications
Technical characteristics, including Network Channel /Network Channel Interface (NC/NCI™) codes, are described in:
- Technical Publication, CenturyLink Metro Optical Ethernet, 77411 Issue A.
- Telcordia Generic Requirements (GRs)/Technical References (TRs)/Special Reports (SRs)
- American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Standard Publications
Rate Structure
Recurring charges are comprised of the following rate elements:
- Metro Ethernet Customer Premises and Central Office Bandwidths
- Optical Interconnection Tie Pair (ITP)
- Central Office Connecting Channel
- Multiple Ethernet Virtual Circuits (EVCs) or Operator Virtual Connections (OVCs)
- Quality of Service via Class of Service or Priority 1 (P1) Template-based
- Protect Routing
Nonrecurring charges are comprised of the following rate elements:
- Metro Ethernet port (install and interface changes)
- Change to existing template (associated with Qualilty of Service)
Metro Ethernet is available on a month-to-month basis, or 12, 24, 36, or 60 month contract. Contact your Account Team / Sales Executives and Service Managers for more information.
CenturyLink rates, rate elements, and how they apply for Metro Ethernet are described in QC RSS No.1 or in the state specific Tariffs/Catalogs/Price Lists.
Additional general resale rate structure information is located in Resale - General.
Rates are available in QC RSS No.1 or in the state specific Tariffs/Catalogs/Price Lists and in Product Pricer.
CenturyLink's rates for Metro Ethernet, less any applicable resale discount, apply to resold Metro Ethernet. Rates and/or discounts can be found in Exhibit A or the specific rate sheet in your Interconnection or Resale Agreement.
Tariffs, Regulations and Policies
For terms and conditions applicable to CenturyLink retail products available for resale, view QC RSS No.1 or the state specific Tariffs/Catalogs/ Price Lists.
Additional information can be found in your Interconnection or Resale Agreement.
Feature | Benefit |
Ethernet Interface |
Tiered Bandwidth Profiles |
Optional Protect Routing | Provides added reliability by providing an alternate facility path when Metro Ethernet is transported over fiber optic facilities |
Versatile Configuration | Multiple Ethernet Virtual Connections (EVCs) or Operator Virtual Connections (OVCs) and Quality of Service prioritization of traffic allows you to custom-tailor connectivity of your network to suit your needs |
Bandwidths at Any Location |
Transport Across Multiple Architectures |
Metro Ethernet is ideal for data communications among multiple locations within a service area.
Product Prerequisites
If you are a new CLEC and are ready to do business with CenturyLink, view Getting Started as a Facility-Based CLEC or Getting Started as a Reseller. If you are an existing CLEC wishing to amend your Interconnection Agreement or New Customer Questionnaire, additional information is located in the Interconnection Agreement.
General pre-ordering activities are described in the Pre-Ordering Overview.
Product Pricer is used to obtain service ability and pricing information. In the event that service is not available, an AQCB form may be submitted to the CenturyLink System Design Engineer or the Custom Solutions Engineer for a facilities check, by your Account Team / Sales Executives and Service Managers. If facilities are not available, then a Notification of Potential Sale will be submitted, by your CenturyLink Account Team representative. A mini-business case will be developed to determine if it is economical for CenturyLink to build facilities to support this request. In the event a facility build is required, additional information regarding the equipment and space requirements at the customer premise are found in the Customer Premise Site Visit Requirements for Fiber Based Services.
You will need to perform the following activities prior to ordering Metro Ethernet, if the AQCB process is followed prior to submission of your request, using Customer Electronic Maintenance and Repair-Maintenance Ticketing Gateway (CEMR-MTG).
- Validate address
- Service availability
- Review Customer Service Record (CSR)
CSR for Metro Ethernet can be obtained by emailing a request to CenturyLink at If you're unable to send via e-mail, please contact the Wholesale Frame Relay group at 866-434-2555 to arrange to send a manual FAX.
Include the following information on your request:
- Email address
- End user's account telephone number
- Fax number
- Proof of agency authorization
Separate service requests must be submitted for each User Network Interface (UNI), and each Ethernet Virtual Connection (EVC). Service requests for Metro Ethernet UNI services can be placed using the Access Service Ordering Guideline (ASOG) forms. Each request for UNI services will be reviewed to determine if transport facilities are available or if AQCB is required if this was not done in the Pre-Ordering section. Bandwidth profile requests for less than 10M are not eligible for AQCB review. Customers have the option of increasing the bandwidth or canceling the service request. EVC requests can be placed using either the Access Service Ordering Guideline (ASOG) forms, or the CenturyLink Wholesale EVC Request Form. You can also work directly with your Sales
Executive or Service Manager, who will assist you in completing the necessary
At CenturyLink’s discretion and based upon the customer’s bandwidth requirements, fiber optic or copper transport facilities are provisioned to deliver electrical and optical Ethernet User-Network Interfaces (UNIs). Port bandwidth and interface requirements are communicated on the ASR forms by Network Channel/Network Channel Interface (NC/NCI™) codes. Refer to the NC/NCI Quick Reference Guide.
The following ASOG forms are used for submitting a service request:
- Access Service Request (ASR)
- Administrative (ADM)
- PRILOC End User Special Access (EUS)
- Service Address Location Info - PRILOC (SAP)
- SECLOC End User Special Access (EUA)
- Service Address Location Form (SAL)
- Tracking (TRK)
- Order Tracking (ORD)
- CKT Tracking (CKT)
- Ethernet Virtual Connection Form (EVC)
Field entry requirements are described in the Access Service Request (ASR) Forms.
When requesting a rate from Product Pricer, provide the Quote ID in the Remarks.
The RUID field on the EVC form must be populated with a confirmed UNI or ENNI circuit ID.
When RUIDs are in different states, the Receiver Code should match:
- The first RUID on standalone EVC orders
- The ACTL or Address on orders for UNI and EVC combinations
The EVCID Field cannot be changed on a supplemental request.
When the SPEC begins with EOC, the WACD1 field must be populated with the DS3 circuit ID.
When requesting the Resale Discount, the following information must be provided in the RMKS Section:
- Discount eligible
- Reseller ID (RSID)
- Billing Account Number, (BAN) if known
The Resale Discount can only be added with a valid ASR request. The discount is only applicable to Intrastate Metro Ethernet.
If an AQCB ID number has been provided to you, that information must be populated into the VTA field after the contract term period: i.e. "36 AQCBID#".
Specifying Logical Port Configuration
In addition to ASOG guidelines, CenturyLink requires that you include one of the SPEC Codes below on Metro Ethernet UNI orders to specify Logical Port Configuration. Populate the appropriate code in the SPEC field of the ASR form:
TLSMOE | Transparent LAN Service Port (TLS) |
TLSPLS | Transparent LAN Service Plus Port (TLS-Plus) |
NONTLS | Non-TLS Port |
SVCPRV | Service Provider Port |
SVCMUX | Service Multiplexer Port |
MENNI | Ethernet Network to Network Interface (ENNI) |
See Technical Publication, CenturyLink Metro Optical Ethernet, 77411 - Chapter 2., for more specific information on Logical Port Attributes.
Rate Limiting the Bandwidth
CenturyLink complies with Metro Ethernet Forum (MEF) technical specifications which allow for bandwidth profiles to be applied (rate-limited) at one of three places in the overall architecture.
- Ingress to the UNI -- This type of bandwidth specification is handled using the UNI NC codes. The entire bandwidth profile of the UNI is allowed for the EVC/OVC. Uses the ES field on the ASR and the PROFI if QoS is being ordered on the UNI.
- For the EVC ASR, the following ASOG rule applies to the BDW field: Bandwidth specified at the UNI level = "UNI".
- Ingress to the EVC -- Individual EVCs/OVCs (one or more) associated to a UNI have their own ingress bandwidth profiles applied. For example, 100 Mpbs UNI with one EVC/OVC @ 50 Mbps and another EVC/OVC @ 15 Mbps. This type of specification can be handled using the BDW fields on the LOS portion of the ASOG EVC form. If no QOS option is being ordered, specify “BEST EFFORT” in the LOS field, and indicate the bandwidth for the EVC/OVC in the BDW field. Uses the ES field on the ASR; QoS/CoS is ordered on the EVC as shown below.
- Ingress to EVC/OVC with QOS -- This type of specification is also handled using the BDW fields on the LOS portion of the EVC form. When QOS is being ordered, specify P1 or Priority 1 in the LOS field, and indicate the amount of Priority 1 bandwidth being ordered for the EVC/OVC in the BDW field. Then make another entry on the second line of the LOS field, specifying which template should be applied for the remainder of the EVC/OVC bandwidth, and indicate the quantity of remainder EVC bandwidth in the BDW field. The total of the QOS P1 bandwidth plus the Templated remainder bandwidth equals the total bandwidth assigned to this EVC/OVC.
LINE 1: LOS field = P1 and BDW field = 10M
LINE 2: LOS field = Template 3 and BDW field = 90M
The above example is for rate limit on the EVC/OVC (Ingress to the EVC/OVC) at this UNI location where the EVC total bandwidth is 100 Mbps.
LINE 1: LOS field = Real Time and BDW field = 20M
LINE 2: LOS field = Guaranteed Data and BDW field = 20M
LINE 3: LOS field = Business Class and BDW field = 10M
The above example is for rate limit on the EVC/OVC (Ingress to the EVC/OVC) at this UNI location where the EVC total bandwidth is 50 Mbps.
A Design Layout Record (DLR) can be requested via the order form. When calling CenturyLink Test and Turn Up, provide the order number returned on the DLR. If a DLR was not requested, provide the circuit number.
Bandwidth Exceeded on UNI/NNI/ENNI
For UNI/NNI/ENNIs rate limited by EVC, CenturyLink Provisioning will monitor circuits that are oversubscribed on bandwidth (i.e., when the sum of the bandwidth of the EVCs is greater than the bandwidth of the UNI/NNI/ENNI). Upon receipt of an EVC install or EVC change that will cause the oversubscribed condition, the CenturyLink ordering center will send a clarification advising the EVC cannot be provisioned until the oversubscription condition is cared for.
Options when EVC Order is Jeop’d due to Oversubscription Condition:
- The UNI/NNI/ENNI is oversubscribed and a new UNI/NNI/ENNI needs to be ordered or else the new EVC needs to be pointed to a different UNI/NNI/ENNI.
- The UNI/NNI/ENNI is oversubscribed and the bandwidth may be increased without requiring a new UNI/NNI/ENNI.
- The customer sends an order to lower bandwidth on an existing EVC.
- Repoint an existing EVC to a different UNI/NNI/ENNI.
Expedited service may be requested for User Network Interfaces (UNIs), Ethernet Virtual Connections (EVCs), Operator Virtual Connections (OVCs), or both. Expedite should be requested separately for the UNI and EVC/OVC request, if both are to be expedited. Appropriate charges will apply to each request for expedited service.
Proactive Notification of Scheduled Network Maintenance
CenturyLink has a proactive e-mail notification system to let you know whenever scheduled network maintenance might impact your Metro Ethernet service.
In order to receive these e-mail alerts, an e-mail address must be included on your service request, to which the alert can be sent for each Metro Ethernet circuit. A separate e-mail address may be used for each individual circuit if desired.
To provide or update this information for existing circuits, please send the contact information via e-mail to QMetro
Metro Ethernet services which do not have an e-mail address on file will no longer receive proactive maintenance notifications for maintenance which occurs during the standard maintenance window – Monday through Friday, 4 a.m. to 7 a.m. local time. If maintenance that may affect Metro Ethernet service is scheduled to occur outside the standard maintenance window, CenturyLink will make every attempt to inform you.
Provisioning and Installation
General provisioning and installation activities are described in the Provisioning and Installation Overview.
Maintenance and Repair
General maintenance and repair activities are described in the Maintenance and Repair Overview.
Metro Ethernet Repair within CenturyLink QC can be reached by calling (800) 227-2218.
Carrier Access Billing System (CABS) billing is described in Billing Information - Carrier Access Billing System (CABS).
Local CenturyLink 101 "Doing Business With CenturyLink"
- This introductory web-based training course is designed to teach the Local CLEC and Local Reseller how to do business with CenturyLink. It will provide a general overview of products and services, CenturyLink billing and support systems, processes for submitting service requests, reports, and web resource access information. Click here for Course detail and registration information.
View additional CenturyLink courses by clicking on Course Catalog.
CenturyLink contact information is located in Wholesale Customer Contacts.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
This section is being compiled based on your feedback.
Last Update: March 1, 2019
NC/NCI™ is a Trademark of Telcordia Technologies, Inc.